Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Rendering entity in world
A full error report has been saved to C:\Users\Donald\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2013-02-13_10.44.26-client.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 4d03c40f --------
Full report at:
Please show that file to Mojang, NOT just this screen!
Generated 2/13/13 10:44 AM
-- Head --
at bba.a(RenderEngine.java:451)
at bba.b(RenderEngine.java:321)
at bbv.a(SourceFile:32)
at bcm.a(SourceFile:19)
at bcm.a(SourceFile:12)
-- Entity being rendered --
Entity Type: Painting (mg)
Entity ID: 98121
Name: Painting
Exact location: 348.00, 66.50, 244.94
Block location: World: (348,66,244), Chunk: (at 12,4,4 in 21,15; contains blocks 336,0,240 to 351,255,255), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
Momentum: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
-- Renderer details --
Assigned renderer: bcm@5a1698f1
Location: 33.21,45.88,10.52 - World: (33,45,10), Chunk: (at 1,2,10 in 2,0; contains blocks 32,0,0 to 47,255,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
Rotation: 0.0
Delta: 0.63934064
at bbu.a(SourceFile:195)
at bbu.a(SourceFile:175)
at bav.a(RenderGlobal.java:484)
at ban.a(EntityRenderer.java:1585)
-- Affected level --
Level name: MpServer
All players: 1 total; [ays['tokizowa'/98055, l='MpServer', x=314.83, y=20.62, z=234.42]]
Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 169
Level seed: 0
Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (774,11,529), Chunk: (at 6,0,1 in 48,33; contains blocks 768,0,528 to 783,255,543), Region: (1,1; contains chunks 32,32 to 63,63, blocks 512,0,512 to 1023,255,1023)
Level time: 709016787 game time, 709751073 day time
Level dimension: 0
Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
Forced entities: 152 total; [ays['tokizowa'/98055, l='MpServer', x=314.83, y=20.62, z=234.42], oy['Chicken'/98079, l='MpServer', x=294.58, y=6.00, z=251.47], oy['Chicken'/98078, l='MpServer', x=310.79, y=7.00, z=248.99], mg['Painting'/98067, l='MpServer', x=235.00, y=54.50, z=274.94], mg['Painting'/98067, l='MpServer', x=235.00, y=54.50, z=274.94], mg['Painting'/98068, l='MpServer', x=238.94, y=54.50, z=274.50], mg['Painting'/98068, l='MpServer', x=238.94, y=54.50, z=274.50], oy['Chicken'/98071, l='MpServer', x=236.41, y=64.00, z=205.59], qn['Skeleton'/100495, l='MpServer', x=245.50, y=71.00, z=286.50], oy['Chicken'/98057, l='MpServer', x=243.53, y=71.00, z=257.38], qp['Spider'/100499, l='MpServer', x=242.50, y=71.00, z=290.50], oy['Chicken'/98104, l='MpServer', x=333.16, y=24.07, z=274.84], oy['Chicken'/98109, l='MpServer', x=311.47, y=11.00, z=307.72], qn['Skeleton'/100517, l='MpServer', x=356.50, y=87.00, z=254.50], oy['Chicken'/98103, l='MpServer', x=333.16, y=23.87, z=272.16], ow['Bat'/101001, l='MpServer', x=356.50, y=31.10, z=311.50], ow['Bat'/101002, l='MpServer', x=356.50, y=31.10, z=310.50], oy['Chicken'/98091, l='MpServer', x=266.53, y=66.69, z=216.63], oy['Chicken'/98094, l='MpServer', x=335.16, y=23.77, z=271.16], qr['Zombie'/101248, l='MpServer', x=252.50, y=67.00, z=239.50], oy['Chicken'/98093, l='MpServer', x=321.98, y=47.00, z=227.53], oy['Chicken'/98081, l='MpServer', x=314.15, y=61.05, z=256.85], oy['Chicken'/98086, l='MpServer', x=306.16, y=61.21, z=213.84], pd['Pig'/98087, l='MpServer', x=316.47, y=13.41, z=272.47], oy['Chicken'/98085, l='MpServer', x=305.53, y=61.00, z=214.15], oy['Chicken'/98143, l='MpServer', x=341.80, y=63.00, z=246.35], oy['Chicken'/98137, l='MpServer', x=348.22, y=68.00, z=246.15], oy['Chicken'/98136, l='MpServer', x=344.43, y=68.00, z=247.04], oy['Chicken'/98139, l='MpServer', x=343.78, y=68.00, z=246.64], oy['Chicken'/98138, l='MpServer', x=348.22, y=68.00, z=248.52], oy['Chicken'/98133, l='MpServer', x=346.74, y=71.00, z=242.36], oy['Chicken'/98132, l='MpServer', x=346.53, y=71.00, z=241.78], px['item.item.egg'/99593, l='MpServer', x=307.78, y=5.13, z=251.19], oy['Chicken'/98135, l='MpServer', x=344.17, y=68.00, z=246.15], oy['Chicken'/98134, l='MpServer', x=345.97, y=68.00, z=247.09], oy['Chicken'/98129, l='MpServer', x=348.22, y=68.00, z=246.87], oy['Chicken'/98128, l='MpServer', x=345.24, y=68.00, z=247.24], oy['Chicken'/98131, l='MpServer', x=344.83, y=68.00, z=246.49], oy['Chicken'/98130, l='MpServer', x=347.91, y=68.00, z=247.94], pd['Pig'/98124, l='MpServer', x=347.81, y=71.00, z=243.84], oy['Chicken'/98125, l='MpServer', x=347.94, y=68.00, z=249.28], oy['Chicken'/98126, l='MpServer', x=343.70, y=68.00, z=247.63], oy['Chicken'/98127, l='MpServer', x=347.25, y=68.00, z=249.44], oy['Chicken'/98120, l='MpServer', x=342.62, y=63.00, z=247.44], mg['Painting'/98121, l='MpServer', x=348.00, y=66.50, z=244.94], oy['Chicken'/98122, l='MpServer', x=348.22, y=68.00, z=249.84], qn['Skeleton'/100801, l='MpServer', x=291.50, y=12.00, z=186.50], oy['Chicken'/98123, l='MpServer', x=347.19, y=68.00, z=249.97], pd['Pig'/98116, l='MpServer', x=322.44, y=41.00, z=290.82], oy['Chicken'/98112, l='MpServer', x=287.53, y=65.00, z=158.61], mg['Painting'/98187, l='MpServer', x=192.00, y=65.00, z=152.94], mg['Painting'/98202, l='MpServer', x=190.50, y=65.00, z=152.94], oy['Chicken'/98115, l='MpServer', x=326.47, y=67.00, z=179.68], oy['Chicken'/99621, l='MpServer', x=378.16, y=62.43, z=183.97], oy['Chicken'/99620, l='MpServer', x=378.16, y=62.44, z=183.16], qc['Creeper'/99623, l='MpServer', x=373.53, y=46.00, z=181.96], oy['Chicken'/99625, l='MpServer', x=368.47, y=42.00, z=250.81], oy['Chicken'/99624, l='MpServer', x=368.56, y=42.00, z=250.19], pd['Pig'/98166, l='MpServer', x=349.81, y=71.00, z=278.19], oy['Chicken'/99627, l='MpServer', x=375.15, y=60.44, z=247.84], ow['Bat'/100588, l='MpServer', x=235.69, y=34.00, z=294.56], oy['Chicken'/99626, l='MpServer', x=375.18, y=61.04, z=247.19], oy['Chicken'/99629, l='MpServer', x=377.84, y=17.65, z=258.19], oy['Chicken'/99628, l='MpServer', x=369.59, y=66.00, z=259.37], oy['Chicken'/98160, l='MpServer', x=338.85, y=21.00, z=208.16], oy['Chicken'/98159, l='MpServer', x=338.59, y=19.00, z=209.63], pd['Pig'/98154, l='MpServer', x=345.50, y=83.00, z=267.21], pk['Wolf'/98153, l='MpServer', x=336.34, y=65.00, z=259.38], oy['Chicken'/98150, l='MpServer', x=340.84, y=60.84, z=234.84], px['item.item.egg'/99852, l='MpServer', x=305.94, y=61.13, z=214.13], mg['Painting'/98121, l='MpServer', x=348.00, y=66.50, z=244.94], mg['Painting'/98146, l='MpServer', x=270.94, y=64.50, z=157.50], oy['Chicken'/98149, l='MpServer', x=342.84, y=60.84, z=232.84], mg['Painting'/98146, l='MpServer', x=270.94, y=64.50, z=157.50], mg['Painting'/98121, l='MpServer', x=348.00, y=66.50, z=244.94], mg['Painting'/98188, l='MpServer', x=192.94, y=65.00, z=148.00], pg['Snow Golem'/98144, l='MpServer', x=347.59, y=68.00, z=239.81], oy['Chicken'/98999, l='MpServer', x=362.78, y=44.00, z=230.53], oy['Chicken'/98998, l='MpServer', x=364.56, y=44.00, z=233.53], qr['Zombie'/98194, l='MpServer', x=322.50, y=10.00, z=156.98], oy['Chicken'/98997, l='MpServer', x=366.22, y=44.00, z=232.53], px['item.tile.dirt'/99788, l='MpServer', x=280.13, y=9.13, z=239.59], oy['Chicken'/98996, l='MpServer', x=365.35, y=44.00, z=229.66], qc['Creeper'/98196, l='MpServer', x=329.50, y=39.00, z=168.50], oy['Chicken'/98995, l='MpServer', x=366.34, y=44.00, z=230.44], ow['Bat'/98197, l='MpServer', x=334.31, y=38.00, z=159.97], oy['Chicken'/98994, l='MpServer', x=364.25, y=44.00, z=234.22], oy['Chicken'/98993, l='MpServer', x=365.15, y=44.00, z=234.05], oy['Chicken'/98992, l='MpServer', x=352.47, y=65.00, z=219.24], oy['Chicken'/99007, l='MpServer', x=367.78, y=71.00, z=226.56], oy['Chicken'/99006, l='MpServer', x=367.78, y=71.00, z=224.69], oy['Chicken'/99005, l='MpServer', x=367.78, y=71.00, z=225.25], qc['Creeper'/98203, l='MpServer', x=315.50, y=12.00, z=159.50], oy['Chicken'/99004, l='MpServer', x=367.78, y=71.00, z=224.16], oy['Chicken'/99001, l='MpServer', x=363.78, y=44.00, z=232.53], oy['Chicken'/98206, l='MpServer', x=361.70, y=66.00, z=202.56], oy['Chicken'/99000, l='MpServer', x=363.78, y=44.00, z=233.53], ow['Bat'/98982, l='MpServer', x=359.62, y=41.00, z=173.77], oy['Chicken'/98980, l='MpServer', x=363.53, y=59.00, z=159.63], oy['Chicken'/98179, l='MpServer', x=309.53, y=67.00, z=166.53], oy['Chicken'/98178, l='MpServer', x=308.78, y=68.00, z=171.75], qn['Skeleton'/101161, l='MpServer', x=259.03, y=42.00, z=293.11], oy['Chicken'/98181, l='MpServer', x=311.53, y=67.00, z=163.72], qr['Zombie'/101160, l='MpServer', x=262.50, y=43.00, z=297.50], oy['Chicken'/98180, l='MpServer', x=310.79, y=67.00, z=164.32], px['item.item.egg'/99801, l='MpServer', x=301.94, y=5.13, z=251.38], oy['Chicken'/98182, l='MpServer', x=311.47, y=67.69, z=167.46], oy['Chicken'/98988, l='MpServer', x=344.66, y=70.00, z=194.56], oy['Chicken'/98989, l='MpServer', x=347.64, y=70.50, z=198.65], oy['Chicken'/98986, l='MpServer', x=337.44, y=69.00, z=192.44], oy['Chicken'/98189, l='MpServer', x=338.15, y=11.00, z=295.47], oy['Chicken'/98987, l='MpServer', x=350.56, y=70.00, z=196.53], oy['Chicken'/98984, l='MpServer', x=370.22, y=63.00, z=187.03], qd['Enderman'/101154, l='MpServer', x=263.19, y=64.00, z=214.02], oy['Chicken'/98985, l='MpServer', x=367.13, y=63.00, z=186.16], qc['Creeper'/101147, l='MpServer', x=382.50, y=68.00, z=161.50], px['item.item.egg'/99819, l='MpServer', x=253.50, y=71.13, z=295.19], oy['Chicken'/99562, l='MpServer', x=368.47, y=71.00, z=224.62], oy['Chicken'/99560, l='MpServer', x=368.53, y=71.00, z=227.22], oy['Chicken'/99561, l='MpServer', x=369.22, y=71.00, z=225.40], oy['Chicken'/99559, l='MpServer', x=369.22, y=71.00, z=224.47], ph['Squid'/99557, l='MpServer', x=376.50, y=58.00, z=228.50], oy['Chicken'/99554, l='MpServer', x=368.41, y=27.00, z=224.72], oy['Chicken'/99552, l='MpServer', x=368.85, y=71.00, z=223.78], oy['Chicken'/99553, l='MpServer', x=368.23, y=71.00, z=223.81], mg['Painting'/98146, l='MpServer', x=270.94, y=64.50, z=157.50], px['item.item.egg'/100964, l='MpServer', x=319.84, y=66.13, z=185.19], mg['Painting'/98146, l='MpServer', x=270.94, y=64.50, z=157.50], qc['Creeper'/101228, l='MpServer', x=242.50, y=74.00, z=306.50], ow['Bat'/100978, l='MpServer', x=346.24, y=24.05, z=234.28], qr['Zombie'/99024, l='MpServer', x=355.50, y=31.00, z=310.50], oy['Chicken'/99993, l='MpServer', x=392.84, y=43.69, z=267.16], qr['Zombie'/99994, l='MpServer', x=391.50, y=48.00, z=276.50], oy['Chicken'/99989, l='MpServer', x=393.84, y=60.90, z=255.84], oy['Chicken'/99991, l='MpServer', x=391.15, y=61.01, z=254.59], oy['Chicken'/99990, l='MpServer', x=393.28, y=60.36, z=255.85], oy['Chicken'/99008, l='MpServer', x=367.78, y=71.00, z=226.17], oy['Chicken'/99009, l='MpServer', x=358.16, y=12.27, z=241.17], oy['Chicken'/99010, l='MpServer', x=358.84, y=12.24, z=241.16], oy['Chicken'/99011, l='MpServer', x=367.31, y=42.00, z=244.66], oz['Cow'/99012, l='MpServer', x=361.22, y=71.00, z=245.09], pd['Pig'/99013, l='MpServer', x=360.09, y=71.00, z=245.50], px['item.tile.stonebrick'/99015, l='MpServer', x=353.75, y=50.13, z=271.78], oy['Chicken'/99016, l='MpServer', x=357.61, y=68.00, z=268.09], oy['Chicken'/99018, l='MpServer', x=357.47, y=84.00, z=261.47], qn['Skeleton'/100947, l='MpServer', x=298.31, y=39.78, z=242.50], pd['Pig'/99019, l='MpServer', x=349.03, y=71.00, z=275.88], oy['Chicken'/99020, l='MpServer', x=353.69, y=71.00, z=274.34], qp['Spider'/100949, l='MpServer', x=291.97, y=32.00, z=247.53], oy['Chicken'/99021, l='MpServer', x=353.55, y=71.00, z=275.42], qn['Skeleton'/101189, l='MpServer', x=258.50, y=53.00, z=295.50], oy['Chicken'/99023, l='MpServer', x=352.22, y=55.00, z=301.64]]
Retry entities: 0 total; []
at ayp.a(SourceFile:281)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.b(SourceFile:1871)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:543)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.4.7
Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java Version: 1.7.0_09, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 143447600 bytes (136 MB) / 474284032 bytes (452 MB) up to 477233152 bytes (455 MB)
JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512m -Xmx512m
AABB Pool Size: 1863 (104328 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 3 (168 bytes; 0 MB) used
Suspicious classes: IWrUpdater, Config, WrUpdaterSmooth, ...]
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 3, tallocated: 63
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series GL version 4.2.11931 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc.
Is Modded: Very likely; Jar signature invalidated
Type: Client (map_client.txt)
Texture Pack: Art x512 - GI-Texturepack.zip
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
Vec3 Pool Size: 1655 (92680 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 28 (1568 bytes; 0 MB) used
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at bba.a(RenderEngine.java:451)
at bba.b(RenderEngine.java:321)
at bbv.a(SourceFile:32)
at bcm.a(SourceFile:19)
at bcm.a(SourceFile:12)
at bbu.a(SourceFile:195)
at bbu.a(SourceFile:175)
at bav.a(RenderGlobal.java:484)
at ban.a(EntityRenderer.java:1585)
at ban.b(EntityRenderer.java:1117)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(SourceFile:605)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:534)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT afb009ad ----------