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Topics - DeeKay

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Server News / 'The End' world update
« on: March 19, 2013, 12:44:55 pm »
The End world can now be publicly accessed using either /warp TheEnd or /TheEnd
To get back to the over world, use /warp OverWorld or /OverWorld

Also, the Ender Dragon will now automatically spawn 12 hours after it's killed. It will drop the egg and the exp, not the portal.
This is still a work in progress, so please report any bugs you find.


Server News / 1.5 - Feel free to update!
« on: March 18, 2013, 12:09:15 pm »
Both the Survival and PvP servers are now compatible with Minecraft 1.5 so feel free to update your clients.
Sorry for the slight delay!

(Disguises are currently not working, but should be fixed soon)


Events / Jail Building Competition [ENDED]
« on: March 05, 2013, 02:17:10 pm »
This is a response to this thread. It's about time for a new building competition, so I thought I'd get you all involved in making a new jail.
For those of you that have had the privilege of never seeing the jail, I'll explain how it works. Our staff members have a command which sends a player to the jail for a specific amount of time, unable to break blocks and type commands, it comes in handy a lot.
(If you want to see the current jail, type /warp jail)

Here is some information you may need before you start building.
- The jail must be a fair size. Around 50x50 blocks will suffice, but going over or under is fine.
- The jail must have around 10 - 15 jail cells.
- The jail cells shouldn't be too large.
- Try not to make it more than 2 stores.
- Be creative! The more creative you get, the better chance you'll have in winning.

The competition will end in around 3 weeks time. Although this can be extended if needed.
The reward is still to be decided, but considering this is a large project to invest in, the prize will be sufficient.
Once you finish your build and you are happy with it, post the coordinates below (type /getpos in-game)

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Good luck, and I hope to see some awesome submissions. =)

Server News / New Classes Now Available!
« on: March 02, 2013, 04:09:24 pm »
The 4 new classes Chemist, Ninja, Medic, and Pyro are now available in the donation store!
Here's an overview of the 4 classes:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Do keep in mind these are still being tested and edited, so they may change at any time.
Feel free to give some feedback on these new classes!

Server News / Top Voters - February
« on: March 01, 2013, 01:30:30 pm »
Thanks to all who voted for February, here's the top voters:

1. Grim_Sheep
2. poiujmon
3. anniesboy

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.

Server News / Donation Changes
« on: February 24, 2013, 01:43:44 pm »
I've made a slight adjustment to the multiple homes donation reward. Donating for multiple homes will allow you to set 5 extra homes rather than 4 extra.
That also means anyone who has already donated for multiple homes will be able to set 1 more home. This basically gives you 6 home sets.

I've also added Villager spawn eggs to the donation store for those wanting them.


On a PvP note, I'll be working on the PvP classes and hopefully they'll be available in the donation store soon.

Server News / PvP Server Polished
« on: February 04, 2013, 11:41:48 am »
The PvP server is back online with a few updates! I threw out the old plugin as it was very unstable and unpredictable.
The new plugin it's running works a lot better overall, and has a lot more features and customization.
When you join the server, you'll find yourself in what's called the Lobby. In the Lobby is a list of game modes, rules, and current games.

As of right now, there is only 1 game type which is arena:
- 2-6 players
- Team based
- 6 minute time limit (team with most kills wins)

To queue for a game, simply click the 'Arena' sign.
There is a cool feature when it comes to queuing for a match. If a game needs 6 players for the game to start, and all 6 players queue for the match, the match will start as it should.
But if only 2 players have queued, after a 2 minute time limit has been reached, the game will realize that no one else wants to join the queue, and the game will then start with only 2 players (practically a 1v1)

There are currently 7 classes, but only 3 to choose from. It is also the game map as before.

Since this plugin has so much customization, feel free to suggest classes, game modes, or maps in the General Discussion forum.


Server News / Top Voters - January
« on: February 01, 2013, 09:54:40 am »
Thank you to all who voted in January, we had over 100 people vote, and well over 1600 votes.
Here are the top voters:

1. AtomicSpaceMonky
2. The_ChamPeon
3. Grim_Sheep

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.

Server News / PvP Server - Trial
« on: January 29, 2013, 01:56:28 pm »
Server IP: pvp.dkcraft.net

So I've gone ahead and put together a small server for PvP. It's very much in a beta stage right now, and I will try and fix it up as much as possible.
The server will be up for as long as you all want it. I've paid for a month, so if the majority of you think it's a bad idea, I'll remove it.
So please give as much feedback as you like!

Here's some general info:
- I've installed a Capture The Flag plugin.
- There is only 1 map right now, some of you will recognize it as the map 'Terminal' from the Call of Duty series.
- There are 2 teams, Red and Blue.
- The server needs 2 players connected for a game to start.
- A team must capture 3 flags to win the game.

Classes are:
usage: /class [classname]
- Archer
- Assassin
- Chemist
- Heavy
- Medic
- Pyro
- Soldier
Read more about the classes here

I've also created a new board for the PvP server itself, and a new Mumble channel for anyone interested.


Server News / DKCraft's PvP Server - Discussion
« on: January 28, 2013, 03:11:49 pm »

The overall reason for this thread is to discuss a new possible server for the DKCraft community, a PvP server.
Donations have skyrocketed lately, and I had an idea to purchase a new smaller server to host PvP.
But, we need some ideas / comments / questions / feedback! Here is the one thing we need to know from you:

Should this even happen?
I'm aware DKCraft is working great as a single server, so I can understand that some of you may disprove of this idea.
But if you like this idea, please provide some feedback!

"But DeeKay, why not just integrate PvP to the current server?"
Well, as I've said in the past, I don't want to add an ordinary PvP arena, or any sort of mob arena. (That's just boring)
I want DKCraft's PvP system to be unique, and not have the same old features as a regular PvP server.
But the things I want for DKCraft's current server just isn't possible with our current setup, which is why the idea of a new server came into mind.

This is not happening yet, so if you have any comments or feedback, please let me know!

Server News / Minecraft 1.4.7
« on: January 09, 2013, 02:01:16 pm »
Feel free to update to Minecraft 1.4.7. It only has bug fixes, so updating will have no effect on connecting to the server.


Server News / Top Voters - December
« on: January 02, 2013, 08:27:39 am »
Here are the results for December 2012, very close month indeed with only a few votes separating 1st from 3rd.

1. gamerflame_sis
2. The_ChamPeon
3. poiujmon

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.

Good luck for 2013!

Server News / Minecraft 1.4.6 - Feel free to update!
« on: December 20, 2012, 12:42:28 pm »
If you wish to continue playing on the server, do not update your clients to 1.4.6.
I will update the server as soon as a Bukkit build for 1.4.6 is released.

The server is now 1.4.6 compatible, so feel free to update your clients!

Mob disguises, and shop displays are currently disabled, I will update them as soon as possible.

Enjoy 1.4.6!

Moderator & Project Applications / Project Protection Application Template
« on: December 13, 2012, 01:51:54 pm »
If you wish to apply for a project protection, please read the following information and guidelines beforehand.

'Project Protection' is for large and detailed creations/projects/cities that are easily griefed and damaged. Since large projects are easy targets for griefers, our Moderators are forced to spend large amounts of their time repairing damage, and banning griefers.
But with Project Protection, your entire creation will be protected and no staff will need to intervene.

We will only be awarding project protection to creations that are of a high standard, and work which has had significant progress made thus far.
Projects which have little progress made, and large investment placed in them will not qualify. We are looking to preserve finished work, or work making promising progress towards completion.

If you believe your project meets the standards above, please apply using the following template:

Project Protection [Project name]

Project name:
Project owner:
Project location (coordinates):
Approximate dimensions:

What is the current state of the project? And what are your plans for its future, if any:
Why should your project be granted project protection?

Server News / DKCraft's 1 Year Anniversary
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:31:26 pm »
As the title suggests, today marks a pretty important milestone to me and the community; DKCraft's 1 year anniversary!
I hate using the old 'it feels just like yesterday..' phrase, but I can honestly tell you it feels like yesterday that I hit the start button for the first time, uploaded the very first plugins to the server, and saw the very first guest join.
DKCraft has grown and flourished into an amazing community I'm proud to have.

You are all what makes this server what it is.
So thank you to everyone who has connected to the server, griefer or not.
Thank you for all the growing support through donations and friendly PM's.
Thank you to our past and current staff for keeping the server in order.

Thank you everyone!

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