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Messages - eprocks60542

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Ban Appeals / [xDeeKay] SUNACLAN: DkCraft Warning
« on: February 01, 2013, 11:09:14 pm »
A warning to all staff in the server of Dkcraft.


Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 03:27:26 am »
also, i would like to point out that i was cool with you using the spawner that time because it was finished, and you had paid to use it but before that when you went in I wasn't as cool with it
you are wrong.  You asked me to test your spawner and you showed me where it was and told me I got one free use of it after I finished testing it for you.  After that I paid you to use it.  Also, don't spam multiple topics, it makes you looky nooby.  The night you kept telling me to leave, I was afk and when I got back you covered me in furnaces, I thought you were closing the place down for the night so I left.  Other than that I don't remember coming to your house where you told me to leave.  There was a misunderstanding in high regards, because you never made it clear and you were friendly most the time.  I know you might be in a rush from all this happening but I wasn't blaming you for the ban I was saying we had a misunderstanding that's all.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 02:55:42 am »
What i'm saying is if he was trying to say that he wanted me gone then he didn't do a good job because last time I saw him I was using his gen at his house and he was fine.  He did not clearly say he wanted me gone and that'ts not my fault we had a miscommunication.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 02:48:09 am »
xen or imp or lissy could i tlk to u on the server plz?

SORRY 6D I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WANTED ME GONE.  Is this even 6D?. lol.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 02:41:04 am »
6D never said a word today to me AT ALL and if he was really telling you that I was harassing him or whatever (I had no idea I was "harassing" him) then why didn't you tell me this before today?  Also he told me to go away on one day and the other ones he would play around and makes signs to me and etc. laughing.  I am literally clueless to why he would think any of this.  Also, he had a monster gen and I would pay him to use it in his old base so I was there sometimes with permission.  This isn't adding up...

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 02:01:05 am »
It didn't clear anything up because the only time 6D told me to go away was once because I was afk there and I left (This was a long time ago).  Honestly I wasn't even trolling him, I was joking around with him and was going to say hello.  The only reason the post has trolling in it is because that's how Lissy labeled it (incorrectly) (misunderstanding).  Therefore, this act was so minor that it shouldn't have broken the camal's back at all.  It was worth a kick at the most and not even that in my opinion.  If someone wants someone to go away they say it.  If they say it and I don't go away then we have a problem.  He didn't say anything to me therefore I did not know he wanted me gone and I even left when Lissy said something.  This was me listening to the op and leaving even though 6D didn't say for me to leave.  As I said earlier, I didn't know he wanted me gone.  I'm talking common logic here about how this situation was handled please don't spam a bunch of threads to the rules.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:54:58 am »
Did I threaten the players environment.  Lol, these are threatening at all and just this day I heard someone say in the chat "xray is awesome" and the mods didn't take action.  That just shows that Lissy has a grudge on me and is overreacting.  The past offenses have already been dealt with so I disagree.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:40:52 am »
Honestly, kidding around here and there shouldn't be disrupting the environment as it is so mild.  I think 6D could have handled this and if he said something I would have left him alone (simple).  I even left when Lissy got mad.  I think your taking this all a bit too seriously considering everyone does little stuff like this every once in a while.  You can put this in once big picture but this is a ban appeal for the reason of me being banned for kidding with 6D not all this gibberish about corrupting the environment.  Now if it was a good reason like I was making fun of 6D or swearing at him in caps I wouldn't be here. 

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:11:08 am »
    TO LISSY421: I SAID worse things done than kidding around (The topic ban) with a player not my past as previously stated above if you look closely and understand the context because this post isn't about my past.  I am just waiting for Xentrality's response now.  Now, I know I have a bad reputation but I don't want this post to be biased.  When Dk let me back in I wished people wouldn't keep bringing that up.
   TO XENTRALITY:  I have to say I haven't even touched anyone on the server other than 6D and anyone else who "complained" (Who's names you have failed to mention).  I have not been tp'ing to peoples homeset's at all and I don't even recall seeing you on the server that much.  Basically what Im saying to you moose is that I think the things you are saying is baloney in my eyes.  PS: I have seen people break the disrespect rule about a 1000 times and no one cared at the slightest...

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:08:16 am »
I'm talking about for the reason you just banned me and the topic of this post, not my past (I made a mistake)  so don't bother.  Now, didn't I say I wanted to talk to other people?  I don't mean to be rude but didn't you get mad at me for budding into your conversations in the server?

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:06:18 am »
The only rule that I could have broken is: "Be respectful to other players" and I only shot at him 4 times and then I was going to greet him.  As mentioned above I think this is a miscommunication as my goal wasn't to make him mad I just wanted him to take it as a joke and say something like "lol".  I think I still don't deserve the ban as I wasn't trying to disrespect him it just seemed like it as you only saw the first part.  I was only playing around but sorry things like this happen.  People have done way worse stuff to me than things like this and they have not been banned or even kicked for the matter.  I was on my best behavior today because I was trying to be friendly and make him have a laugh, I didn't know he would be offended as he never said anything about it the first two shots.  So yes, I still disagree.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 12:59:33 am »
I would rather you not tell him anything but him find out himself because for all I know you might be saying things that are not true.  What went on is exactly as I described it no more.  I have been playing in this server and acting pretty good  since he let me back in and I have a house, diamond armor and I like to play with users.  I am a normal player and this is the rare occasion where I did something wrong that is mild. 

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 12:52:23 am »
I don't believe there is a strike program and second 2 of these bans were done by you and that says something.  It says you really want me gone well, xDeeKay let me back on and we made an agreement so you can stop saying this is your second chance.  I would like him or someone who won't judge me on my past and look at me like a player and is  rational, please don't comment back Lissy421.  I do realize it will be hard for a staff to say something because that would be going against you and people fear that but please use your head staff.  (Banned for Disrespect).  5 days later  (Banned for trolling?).  Bad, bad reasons to ban.  I know this can be handled better.  Also, please don't refer to me as "buddy" because it looks like your trying to make me upset.         

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 12:47:41 am »
As I mentioned earlier, this isn't a good reason to ban anyone and I'm sure if you followed someone around long enough they might do something similar.  A permanent ban for annoying someone for 2 minutes is NOT a good reason.  A good reason is griefing, xraying, swearing the chat and spamming forever and etc.  I wish another staff person would look at this (not someone who will say the same thing as you because they are good friends because that is biased).  I want someone who is reasonable and can sort things out properly and not just perma ban.  Also btw, you put in my ban message "going to home" like I did something wrong when I tp'ed home because you didn't want me there.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for Mild trolling?
« on: January 31, 2013, 12:34:15 am »
Actually I shot exactly 4 arrows.  So I was merely there for 2 minutes.  I didn't know 6D was troubled as he as only told me once to leave a long time ago and that was because he was working on a mineshaft.  I don't come to his place as often as you think, I just thought we were friends.  I still don't think a perma ban was the right choice.  I think you just wanted to get an excuse to ban me for good.  That's my opinion.  Now i'm sorry about our past but you can't just ban me for small things like this, I didn't come to his house to annoy him, I was about to say hello to him and I shot the arrows to see if he would notice as a friendly joke.  I was gonna ask him where his old base was.  This is a misunderstanding clearly.  I just think if another moderator or operator saw me do this they would just tell me to leave at the most.

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