DKCraft Minecraft Server > Accepted - Project Applications

Project Protection umadbrohood


Project name: umadbrohood
Project owner: jt03140
Project location (coordinates):  x1769; y: 68; z: -148
Approximate dimensions: eeh 409 x 568?  lets take the adjacent corner to x: 1360; y:68; z: -420

What is the current state of the project? And what are your plans for its future, if any:
   Early phase. The plan is to have a big neighborhood with nice houses for everyone to live in.

Why should your project be granted project protection?
 I know with moosington existing this is kinda a repeat project...but... I like to build towns and I don't want the hassle of griefers destroying them. Its going to be a lot of builds to keep my eyes on if there is no protection.

Accepted. Everything should be all set. To add player to the protection use

/region addmember umadbrohood [playername]

Nice one jt, your builds are pretty damn nice, glad to know they are safe 8)


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