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Author Topic: Spider Grinder.  (Read 4450 times)

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Spider Grinder.
« on: December 22, 2012, 03:25:47 am »
I have found a lot of dungeons, and have gotten lucky with them. Last time, I presented the Iron-Sword-One-Hit Double Skeleton Grinder.
Now I present the One-Hit Spider Grinder.

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I don't have extra homes to put next to the grinder. ButI have a guide that will lead you to le grinder:
I now have extra Homes to Put next to the Grinder. Just do /ohome The_ChamPeon Spider.

Step 1:

Do /Warp Northtown.

Step 2:

Look for the Gravel In the Sand. (Should be to the right of the glass line)

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(Le Gravel in the sand)

Step 3:

Follow the Gravel Trail to a Staircase.

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(Le Staircase)

Step 4:

Go down the Cobble and Wooden stairs in the ravine that  untill you reach a branch mine.

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(Le Ravine & Wooden Staircases)
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(Le Start of the Cobble Staircase)
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(Le Branch Mine)

Step 5:

Go down the "Trunk" of the Branch mine until you reach the first gravel in the left wall. (branch mines should be called Tree Mines :P)

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(Le Gravel In the left wall)

Step 6:

Go down the Branch untill you reach Glass Panes. (Notice: you will pass a lava lake and another branch intersecting the branch your walking in. Keep going STRAIT downwards the branch.)

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(Le other branch intersecting the one your walking down)
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(Le light that the lava lake is giving off, you can see a small patch of lava in this image)
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(Small part of Le lava lake)

Step 7:

After your done walking down the branch you will see a faint light further down the hall. (If you don't see it, you didn't read the side note in step 6)

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(Le Faint light)

Step 8:

When you run into Glass Panes, Look to thou Right.

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(Le glass Panes)
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(Thou's Right)

Step 9:

In order to kill the spiders with no harm done to yourself, stand in the doorway made of glass panes. (You will see bedrock, don't think that this was a near-fail because spiders have only 8 hearts of life instead of the regular 10 that skeletons have. VERY IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: bring a sword just in case one of the spiders is a spider jocky)

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(Me One-Hitting the spider w/ my fist)

Ok that concludes my tutoral to lead you to the spider grinder. Feal free to use the Branch mine (Tree mine). Just don't GRIEF the spider grinder or I'll be EXTREMELY mad.

Remember to Post on this topic if you used the spider grinder! Good Luck out there in the harsh envirnment Fellow Minecrafters!!!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 06:08:36 pm by The_ChamPeon »
I'm going to camp for four weeks. I won't be back until some time in August.