Title: Mod App
Moderator Application XionOblivion
Age: 16
Location: Manitoba, Canada.
Timezone: UTC -6:00 Central Daylight Time (CDT)
Join Date: Aprox. June 23
Why you should become a moderator:
The reasons I believe I could serve well as a Moderator are as follows.
Im Active on the server quite often during the day, and will be on most of the time.
I know alot about minecraft, including how to do things and things that dont have much meaning for why I know it whatsoever
I help out with the community when theres a problem to be solved; Im courteous and quite tollerant of player-related disturbances.
Im a nice person to be around and helpful too.
I could be a good addition to the moderator team and offer more help to the server.
I havent had much experience as a moderator or of the sort but if people are misbehaving or spamming/swearing in chat I warn them and tell them to stop.
Overall, I think I would be a good Moderator.
(P.S. another reason im posting this now is because of popular demand