DKCraft Minecraft Server > Rejected

Moderator Application FLASHtheSTROBE


Age: 23
Location: Nashville TN USA
Timezone: CDT/CST
Join Date: APR 1st 2022?  (A friend showed me the server)
Were you recommended by any staff members?: No (Have not seen any staff online)

Why you should become a moderator: Id like to become a moderator (or more) so that I can help bring the server up to date with current Minecraft standers for a server. I used to run a Gmod server and a Minecraft server for a while back in 2013? - 2017? I now have more free time being a manager at my current job and would like something to put that free time into and see it help bring a server back to life. I have several updates to the map and shop area that I think would help bring the server into 2022.
I know I'm new and its a long shot but may as well try to help where I think I can. Thanks for reading.

seems ligit

Thank you for your interest, however we are not currently looking for further moderators and therefore applications are closed.


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