DKCraft Minecraft Server > Rejected

Moderator Application [Ashley1020]

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Age: 15
Location: California
Timezone: Pacific Daylight Time
Join Date: August 2013
Were you recommended by any staff members?: BritishCrumpet21, Carrot_Gal14, d00m
Why you should become a moderator: I think I would be a good moderator because I am active and helpful on both the server and the forums. I love helping others as a trusted, and I would like to help people even more as a moderator. I have made many loyal friends on the server and I wish to help them and others. Thank you for your consideration and for taking the time to read my application. -Ashley1020

Good luck Ashley! You have my support<3

Good luck! You would be a fantastic moderator! ;D

gl ashy ;D

good luck ash, things are looking good for you  ;)


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