Project name: Sky Tortoise
Project owner: Kt5turtle? lol
Project location (coordinates): x: 2283
y: 228
z: -2139
(My ohome also)Approximate dimensions:190x60x60
What is the current state of the project? And what are your plans for its future, if any:it has come alongs way.... It's been my prized build for a while now, even in its incomplete state. I add onto as i find the time to, at its moment, the exterior is
98% complete and I'm about ready to start on the interior. In the interior, i will be putting a theater inside alongside it's living quarters.
Current State: should your project be granted project protection?Well, i always get request to check out the ship, and you really can't expect me to let people i don't trust out... I trap them into a glass box and it's not the best view :c
So if it were to be protected, i have no problem to let people loose on my ship
That is my reason.
Thanks alot!