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Messages - Halfreal

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: My full leave.
« on: October 22, 2013, 07:46:23 pm »
It's an unfortunate thing to hear of your leaving. I will make sense to the great value of your time being here. I give my regards to the trials ahead of you and hope that your efforts do not amount to nothing. Please, take care and don't lose touch of the astounding prospects you can put yourself up to... cheers, Pay.


General Discussion / Expecting Emptier Times
« on: October 09, 2013, 06:01:33 am »
It will be remorseful to know that you won't be around for the time being to toss melon slices all over in my house. I actually still have an entire melon just chillin' in my living space.  :)

If it's serious medical attention that's causing you to make a trip over to the doctor then I say to you, get well soon. Hmm... "get well soon." That's like a rather odd phrase of generosity. It sounds more like a command than a sincere gesture. Anyways, see you later, Payrol.

Rejected / Re: Project Protection "The Redstone Museum"
« on: October 05, 2013, 02:11:22 am »
Aw man. It's a shame to see such an excellent piece of work amount to so little. I must admit, I found it rather ambitious, it instilled alot of hope. However, I doubt that your fine redstone abilities will lead you to something that's anything less than amazing. I think that your redstone skills will produce alot of potential and good results. (to avoid any discrepancies.)

Introductions / This is Hal Speaking
« on: September 30, 2013, 11:36:19 am »
Ladies n' gentlemen, I'm here to provide a brief introduction on what I have to offer to the server. 

I've spent a considerable number of years on survival building, the majority of it exclusively in SSP. My four most common hobbies I occupy on Minecraft are building, woodcutting, brewing, and hunting. I have quite an array of optional tasks to provide to the community and am usually rather docile.

If you'd like to get on my good side, adopt a state of vigilance against the act of griefing on any of my valuable creations. If you'd like to get on my bad side, good luck!

I'm fortunate to possess the uniqueness that grants me the ability to mass-produce in areas I'm efficient in. (wood, sugar cane, potions, explosives, etc.) I'm unfortunate, however to be inept in some of the most prominent features such as mining and sword fighting. Since I'm such a weak miner, I'd be more than willing to trade anything I can offer into something that I cannot obtain.

I work as a specialist and live as a patron. Comply with my reasonable demands, and you will flourish. As I sign off, this has been an honorable notice.


Pages: [1]