Hello DKCraft!
My name is Kezz and I am the newest addition to the staff team.
I'm a developer. If you don't know what this means well basically I will be coding custom (and awesome) Bukkit plugins for DKCraft!
Don't worry, I am very experienced. In fact, why not check out some of the
plugins I have made before? Got any ideas for plugins? Tell me :3
So now for a bit of info about myself:
I live in sunny, sunny England! I like Minecraft and coding things. I know Java, HTML, PhP, ActionScript, C++ and JavaScript. You'll find me online from about 4-9PM GMT most days (more on the weekends). The only problem is that my computer sucks. If I play for much longer than 15 minutes, it BSOD's... Which deeply annoys me. So if I randomly leave; that'll be why. On DKCraft I have a little Aqua [Developer] tag in front of my name: kezz101. I also really don't like bad grammar. It really annoys me that my Minecraft username is not capitalised.
Right, well that's about it for me! If you have any questions (like actually anything) please ask me!