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Messages - DeeKay

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 63
General Discussion / Re: Shops Discussion
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:21:20 am »
If your goal was to make bartering and trading more prominent wouldnt it make sense to add a plugin, like chest shop, to make it easier more profitable, and fully automatic player shops
Not sure how chest shops would cater to trading and player interaction when the plugin does the opposite. Besides generally not liking the plugin, I think having a main shop is good enough (or bad enough?), and I could see things becoming messy very quickly if we gave people that kind of option.

The player interaction I'm speaking of is actually talking to a player, providing the goods you have, discussing prices, and trading things in that sense. Chest shops would only take away from that even more.

General Discussion / Re: Shops Discussion
« on: July 02, 2015, 04:58:53 am »
First of all, thanks to everyone who has submitted their input thus far - we really do appreciate the responses.
Just putting my own input here on top Lissy's.

From the responses in this thread, I can get a general idea of some of the main concerns and ideas:
  • Mining for iron/gold is the most profitable thing, but there should be other methods for doing so.
  • Increasing the sell prices for several items.
  • Decreasing the sell prices for several items.
  • Player-to-player trading and interaction over using the shops.
  • Prefer not having shops all together.
This is a pretty diverse list if you think about it, and while it's hard to please everyone, we will do the best we can to accommodate a few of these things, as Lissy has already made a start on.

As for my opinion, kinda in a response to the first point in the list, which seems to be the most mentioned.
When I first released the shops, my intention was to give players an alternative method to obtaining resources as a last resort. If you had a large project or you simply didn't want to go mining for something, you could invest some money through several ways (voting, donating, etc) and buy the things you needed from the shops. This was back in 2012 if I recall correctly.

I admit this could have gone better on my end. I don't think I ever really enforced the idea that the shops should be used so sparingly, and the prices of the items probably told players otherwise. If I were to go back, I would probably have a lot less items for sale (which I did bring down a lot from version 1 of the shops to version 2 in our first world), and I would have the prices a lot higher. I think this would encourage player trading and interaction, which I value a whole lot more than the shops.

However, I realise I don't play on the server, and the people who do actively play will create their own lore in a sense, and create their own definition of the server and what it's all about. This is a good thing, I encourage things like this. However, when it comes to my intention for the shops, there's some aspects of it I would like to keep from my original intention. That is that I don't want it, along with the economy, to define our server. I want things like trading/bartering to be looked at more than how much money you have in your account, or where you sit on /baltop.

Like I said though, we will try to accommodate some of your guys ideas, because it is you all who play on the server, not me.

I hope this at least helped broaden your thoughts a little, and please do keep up the replies.

General Discussion / Shops Discussion
« on: July 01, 2015, 08:54:31 am »
So I've noticed at times there can be some tension towards the prices and items at the shops. This thread is to share your questions, concerns, opinions, and ideas on the shops, and get a general two cents from you all.

Server News / Re: Protection Stones
« on: June 27, 2015, 08:09:11 am »
I've fixed the issue with not being able to allow players to the fields, it was something to do with the flags.
As for the donation store, we might look into adding them soon.

Server News / Protection Stones
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:58:33 pm »
Hey guys,

We're happy to announce the addition of protection stones!

Before the server was wiped, we used the sponge block as a means of protecting land, but because of the official implementation of sponges into ocean monuments, using them was no longer an option.
We have now, however, added 3 types of new protection stones that come in the form of Coal, Lapis, and Emerald ore blocks.

For those of you unfamiliar with how these work, I'll give you a quick rundown. You purchase these protection stones from the shops, and you can place them like any other block. Once placed, they will protect the area from other players, unless you give them access.
Protection stones will protect the area from players breaking blocks, placing blocks, breaking entities (paintings, item frames, armor stands), harvesting crops, and killing animals.

You can allow a player to a protection field by standing in it and using: /ps allow <name>
The same can be done to remove a player by using: /ps remove <name>
Other features include visualizing the field with /ps visualize, and hiding/camouflaging the block with /ps hide and /ps unhide.
Use /ps for a full list of available commands.

The sizes/prices are as follows:
- Coal Protection: 11x11x11 - $1500
- Lapis Protection: 22x22x22 - $9000
- Emerald Protection: 41x41x41 - $45000

Head over to the far left corner of /warp shops to purchase them. Keep in mind the prices are subject to change at any time, but the sizes will never change.


Suggestions / Re: Balancing The Shop Prices
« on: June 18, 2015, 02:08:19 am »
I'm just suggesting that we improve the balance of the shop so that exploitations can't be made outside of the shop as well.
Pretty much what Matt and yourself pointed out, since there's no way to use the shops alone to make any profit, it's not a huge concern. Again, as Matt mentioned, there have always been ways to gain a tiny profit by selling things in different ways, and I've always seen it as a fair way to gain a little bit more for the extra work that goes into needing to smelt sand, or smelt the cobblestone.

If it does become a concern, or if any major exploits do arise, we will patch them right away.

Suggestions / Re: Plugin suggestion
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:07:23 pm »
Hey Toad,

First off thanks for your suggestion. mcMMO has been suggested a number of times, and I generally have the same thoughts on it when it comes to having it be added to a survival based server like ours.
I think mcMMO is an awesome concept, however I think a server needs to be established as an mcMMO server for it to really work, and adding it this late would take away from the style we've had for so long.


Server News / Re: A Few Additions
« on: June 04, 2015, 08:20:03 am »
Just another tiny update on votes that I thought I'd mention, the Games Top 100 site now supports votifier and therefor rewards you for your vote.

General Discussion / Re: Why is there no one ever on anymore?
« on: June 01, 2015, 05:19:30 pm »
Why did you feel the need to have to post in server news?

Accepted - Mod Applications / Re: Tobieias' Moderator Application
« on: May 27, 2015, 06:40:16 am »
...so, like, Tobie was never actually accepted for the moderator position.

...so, like, that's the idea of a trial application.

Server News / Re: A Few Additions
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:09:09 am »
The vote points issue is fixed now, and you should be able to receive your vote points for voting offline.
You also don't need to login to receive your money now, it will be sent to your account offline.

Server News / Re: A Few Additions
« on: May 21, 2015, 07:22:49 am »
By voting offline, are we able to get the vote points because recently I noticed that we do not.
I'll be looking into this, seems to be an ongoing issue people are having.

On the topic of donation rewards, I'd like to mention that there are also 3 new Mob Disguise packs available.
They contain the new mobs such as Horse, Witch, Rabbit, Guardian, Wither Skeleton, and Endermite.

Check 'em out.

Support / Re: mumble
« on: May 17, 2015, 08:39:38 pm »
It's located on the home page.

IP: mumble.dkcraft.net
Port: 65473

Server News / Re: Top Voters - February + March
« on: May 03, 2015, 10:10:17 am »
congrats to everyone in these lists. DeeKay, what about April?
Done, thanks for the reminder!

Server News / Top Voters - April
« on: May 03, 2015, 10:08:37 am »
Thank you to all who voted in April! The top voters are as follows:

1. atomicspacemonky
2. iamokmike
3. shadeddusk

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.

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