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Messages - DeeKay

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 63
Bug Reports / Re: Timed out
« on: July 22, 2015, 03:33:10 pm »
I'm sorry you and others have been experiencing this type of thing lately, I understand it can become frustrating at times.
The server is actually going to be upgraded sometime today, which should help with the lag and random disconnects.

I think with the amount of people online recently, the server has just been struggling to keep up.
If this issue persists I will look further into it, but again, hopefully this upgrade does the trick.

Support / Re: Major Server Crash
« on: July 22, 2015, 03:16:59 am »
Is there any specific message you receive when being kicked? Also, do you happen to have a certain date or time I could check the logs for?

Server News / Re: Donation Store Summer Sale! 50% off
« on: July 22, 2015, 03:16:00 am »
The links in the merchandise tab of the shop dont seem to be working
Apparently the work from my RedBubble was removed.. I'll be looking into this soon.

Server News / Re: Donation Store Summer Sale! 50% off
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:29:16 am »
Once summer is over I guess lol

Server News / Donation Store Summer Sale! 50% off [ENDED]
« on: July 18, 2015, 08:32:25 am »
Hey guys, we're having a sale in the donation store, every package is 50% off! Just head over to the "Sale!" tab and check out the offers.


General Discussion / Re: A New Bank Has Opened!
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:19:11 am »
Just a heads up, we can't force people to pay you back even with this written contract. Send money at your own risk.

Discussion forum / Re: Stop Voting for me
« on: July 09, 2015, 05:53:09 pm »
It's very strange this is still happening, and I hope someone isn't doing it intentionally out of spite.
I will look into this for you first thing tomorrow. I'll let you know via PM what I find, and I'd also recommend PM'ing me for the time being.

Server News / Top Voters - June
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:18:35 pm »
Thank you to all who voted in June! The top voters are as follows:

1. atomicspacemonky
2. noisy_boy
3. iamokmike

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.

Support / Re: Major Server Crash
« on: July 08, 2015, 06:15:58 pm »
Indeed the server has crashed about 4 times today and will bring itself up automatically only to keep happening. I've kept it down manually to avoid further issues and will investigate.
Sorry for the downtime!

Edit: There was an issue with the RAM allocation, so I take it the server was working too hard to keep up. Should be all good now.

Server News / Re: Forum Donation Badges
« on: July 08, 2015, 05:33:57 pm »
If you're talking about the money rewarded as a top voter, no. Only money donated from your pocket is eligible.

Server News / Forum Donation Badges
« on: July 08, 2015, 03:16:20 pm »
Hey guys,

To show our thanks for the many donations we have received, I'd like to introduce a new feature for donators here on the forums.
For any past and future donations you give towards the server, you will receive a special badge displayed next to your posts and on your forum profile.

As of now, there are 7 badges to be earned from donating, they include:

Cookie - Donated $5 towards the server.
Redstone - Donated $10 towards the server.
Lapis Lazuli - Donated $20 towards the server.
Gold - Donated $30 towards the server.
Emerald - Donated $50 towards the server.
Diamond - Donated $100 towards the server.
Nether Star - Donated $150 towards the server.

Due to the overwhelming amount of donations we've received thus far, it would be hard for me to add all the badges at once.
Because of this, if you have donated to the server and would like your badge added, please either create a support thread or send me a PM with your Minecraft name you've donated with. If you've donated with multiple Minecraft names, please instead provide the email address you've used to donate with.

Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy this new feature!

General Discussion / Re: Shops Discussion
« on: July 06, 2015, 09:46:46 am »
Is it that hard of a concept to understand that you need a picture of Obama?

General Discussion / Re: Shops Discussion
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:57:50 am »
That's not broken, as again it comes back to the point Lissy made. If you're willing to take the extra steps towards something (in this case obtaining slime balls from another source and crafting sticky pistons yourself), then you're going to find it much cheaper to do so.

General Discussion / Re: Shops Discussion
« on: July 05, 2015, 12:34:28 am »
if youre worried about a big mess, make it for trusteds only
I don't personally think that should always be the answer to everything, after all the server consists of mainly non trusted players, so I don't see that as being a fair alternative. I stand by my opinions on chest shops.

Server News / Re: Protection Stones
« on: July 04, 2015, 11:25:59 am »
On the old map they used to be way cheaper and i would like to see the current protection stones getting cheaper.
The protection stone you speak of was the sponge protection which protected a 13x13x13 area and was around $6000 if I recall correctly, maybe even less towards the end of its use. In that respect, I think the current prices are more than fine.

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