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Author Topic: My stories  (Read 4747 times)

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My stories
« on: August 22, 2012, 08:13:28 pm »
Hi guys and I am making this for a idea of what you think I should do. I am using the idea from impish in my intro and want a idea. Should i just post one of my completed stories or should I make one up? I bet I could make one up in a couple of hours...... like a complete 50 page story :) I could also take some peoples suggestions and use them as characters and they can tell me what they want their character to have, like the information about the person. FIRST 3 PEOPLE TO MAKE A SUGGESTION ARE PUT IN A BOOK! The type of books I write are like harry potter, mabye lord of the rings. The fiction adventure type books. With swords, magic, ect. Mideveil stuff!


A legend tells of a hero who will slay everything he encounters, and he did. But the bad part was that he slayed even his fellow Steves! So a hero was chosen to kill this monster. This hero was slain by the mighty Jurisick! The legend was really speaking about the mighty jurisick, the best man ever!


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Re: My stories
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 08:35:56 pm »
you can make a story of some brothers who find out
a dark family secret and set out to
find the person who can help them fix it
good luck
-dave :P
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つMOLLY MOLLY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


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Re: My stories
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2012, 08:28:30 pm »
Alright, since ur the first o respond i will definitly make a story about that!
A legend tells of a hero who will slay everything he encounters, and he did. But the bad part was that he slayed even his fellow Steves! So a hero was chosen to kill this monster. This hero was slain by the mighty Jurisick! The legend was really speaking about the mighty jurisick, the best man ever!


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Re: My stories
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2012, 12:07:42 am »
Well, I haven't started the story dave requested yet, and am about to start it, but just to show you I will post a side book I am working on (not done) and see how you guys like it. It is called War of Worlds (Title by: HAYZY8) and is a bit different from my normal midevil-ish storys. It takes place far in the future with lots of high-tech. Here it is:

" IT WAS A DARK DAY. The day everything went wrong. NASA had just launched up a rocket with more than 450 cameras all recording separate parts of a ship that was aproaching Earth. NASA thought it was their previous ship that they sent up with 6 astronauts to investigate some signs of life on Neptune. NASA thought. But when NASA's rocket reached the ship and started recording, it was very quicky was interrupted by projecting by a recorded message. If you listened closely, you could hear a weird voice. But if you just listened all you heard was English words. " We came to offer a peace treaty, but since all you want to do if try to kill us with you rockets or run tests on us, then you shall regret your choice." As soon as the message ended, the filming restarted from the rocket. But the rocket had crashed into the ship. The recording took a about 45 seconds to reach Earth, so it must have crashed while still sending the video, so NASA was a bit behind. The men on the ship had taken the crash as a attack and now were speeding up towards Earth. The rockets coordination system told NASA that the ship was heading straight towards the rocky mountains. Genral Harry was informed of this by NASA and sent men to the Rocky Mountains to arrive just before the ship crashed. When the ship landed instead of crashing, Harry's men were amazed by the flying skills the men inside the ship had. When it landed, Genral Harry himself used his megaphone and shouted, " We mean no harm! The crash landed rocket was a accident! We are very sorry!" But the men inside the rocket disagreed with Genral Harry, thought he was lying. And then the ship changed from a white rocket ship to a weird shaped flying monstrosity. Loaded with all sorts of weapons on the side and bottom, a few of them shot Genral Harry. Harry fell to the ground, dead. Then every soldier there started shooting whatever they had and started calling in reforcements. The hundreds of weapons on the ship faught back, killing soldiers like it was barely lifting a finger. It was when all the soldiers fighting the ship were littered on the ground, dead, when more than 800 helicopters armed with guns and missle launchers and 500 jets are with guns and napalm arrived. The mens ship started to fly. It hovered higher and higher until it was at the jets and helicopters height. Then it started firing. But this time it was firing beams of light that cut through anything in their path, making helicopters and jets go down it an instant. But the missle and guns from the jets and helicopters were overwhelming the ship, and it went down in a couple of minutes, bringing more then 60 jets and 40 helicopters down with it. When more men investigated the ship, they found that the pilots were not men. The pilots were aliens. They had the same features of a man, and only men, except their skins was gray, their eyes red, and their teeth sharper than a shark's. When examiners looked more closely at the alien,  they realized that the aliens skin was incredibly tough and hard to break, but it had a weakness to hot stuff. If you microwaved a box of popcorn for three minutes and put it against the aliens skin, it would burn right through. They also learned that the inside of the body was nothing like to inside of a humans body. In the throat, there was a vine type thing that could shoot out of the alien's mouth and suffacate it's pray. Even worse, the aliens could let out a noxious gas through their throat. It had enough poison to kill 76 lions in 5 seconds. Men have been fighting this alien species since it brought back millions of ships from it's home planet, which was 78 years ago. The war has ripped apart space and Earth. But the soldier fighting were keeping most aliens from landing on Earth. But just barely. This is why you can never go on field trips into the atmoshere anymore, it is too dangerous since the soldier are barely holding their ground." Spoke Ms. Iruld, my school teacher. She was explaining why the field trips into the atmosphere to class used to take were no longer done. My name is Henry and I am 22 years old, and am going to join the battle against the aliens as soon as I leave battle school. Battle school only lasts for 2 years, and this is my last year. I am on one of the most gifted battle student here. I made it onto the list and am the 22nd best soldier in school. He had good grades and was respected. He and his class used to take trips into the atmosphere because it helped them learn about the battlefield. What they would be fighting on. Most of the time, the battles took place inside a ship or in the big metal sphere that went all the way around Earth, surrounding it. It was where most of the battles took place. The sphere was hollow and had lots of technology inside it. It was the main base of the men that fought in the war, but the after 15 years in the war, the aliens broke through the starship defenses that kept the aliens away from the sphere, and landed in one of the starship hangars. Since that day, aliens have been trying to gain more ground of the sphere until they got the the starportal. It was the gate that let soldiers in from Earth to fight and let soldiers go back to Earth. But the aliens have been very unsuccessful. The sphere was made to protect Earth and have a one way entrance, which can only be activated be men from the other side, but there was not enough metal left in the Earth to finish it. So the soldiers took it as a base. The only reason that Earth is surviving is because when the war started in  America, genral bullet from the USA requested help from every continent. America tried to keep the war quite and contained, but the other continents were getting worried because there was no contact to America at all. If a ship was sent to America to see what was going on, it would disappear and never be seen again. same with flying objects. But when America realized that they could not win this war alone, they called upon the other continents. This was the first act of contact between America and anywhere else for more than 6 months. When the other continents understood the situation, they agreed to help and join the war. It was the day that the other continents agreed to help that the interwar was born. It was the name the continents gave theirselves when they join together. The Interwar was the last hope of the Earth. Other people gathered friends and bought a starship, went to fight, thinking they would make a difference between winning and losing when their ship is destroyed in a instant. The Interwar, being every singe continent working together, was overpowering. People barely even bothered the make organizations anymore. The next day at school, I took a pop quiz about battle stragety and passed. The next day, everybody partied or practiced, because the next day was the end of the school year. And then they would all go off the the real battles. I was practicing with some random person who challenged him. The only weapons you can use in  practice battles are dart guns that are filled with sleep drugs. You shoot, you hit, your enermy goes to sleep. That simple. I picked the XC-M70 sniper. The person he was about to face walked over to him. " I'm Jake. The new kid. Go easy on me please." Jake said. " If you wanted someone to go easy on you, you shoudn't have picked the 22nd best soldier in the school. But I'll try." I told Jake. Jake Picked a UM-56 Rapid Fire Pistol. Jake went to his side, where he starts and I went too my side. The entrances are about 500 feet away, and the field is about 450 feet wide. 500 feet long. Large rocks littered the battle field as shields. The doors entrance door opened and I charged into the field and dived behing a rock. I peeked out of the side and saw Jake standing in the open, looking around wildly, panicked probally. I looked at the glass and saw people crowding around the glass. Some of them were watching me intently, but the other ones, the more mean ones, were laughing at Jake. I backed away from the rock, sprinted toward it again, ran up the side and got on top of the rock. I dived instantly as Jake saw me on top of the huge rock and took aim. When Jake fired his darts, he was too slow and I was already down on my stomach on the rock. His aim was also way off. His footing was terrible. He wasn't too fast. He couldn't take a lot of hits. I got this all from about 2 seconds when I was in top of the rock before Jake saw me. As Jake reloaded his darts, I dived onto my feet, took aim and fired, nailing Jake in the arm. All done in a split second. Jake fell, but didn't go to sleep. He was determined, I realized. Fighting the drug with all his strength. Most men would give up, knowing that to fight the drug would drain almost all of their strength. If they did beat the drug, then they would be tired from the drug and have no energy from fighting the drug. Jake refused to give up. I shot two more darts into his left leg. He layed still, still fighting to stay awake. Now I was getting annoyed. " Give up. It's a waste of energy to fight the drug. You'll fall asleep sooner of later." I said to Jake. Jake shook his head. I shot five more darts into Jake's right arm. His eyes closed. I was about to announce victory when Jake's eyes snapped open, full of more determination he's ever seen. Jake was a fighter. Even the people who were laughing at jake had stopped and were staring, amazed. Jake was really getting annoying now. I decided to finish him and put him to sleep. I pulled out one of my darts and cracked it in half. The inside of it was filled with purple liquid, the sleeping drug. I walked over to Jake. " Sorry, but this match has got to end. I like you. You have determination. That's something that a lot of men don't have." I said to Jake. I dropped to my knees, forced open Jake's mouth, and poured the drug from the dart into his mouth, put my knee on his windpipe, which made his gasp for air, and also made him swallow the drug. I stood up, letting Jake breath. His eyes closed almost instantly. He was asleep.
The day of the battle between me and Jake had passed and I was packing everything I needed to bring. I was going onto the rocket that was going to take me to the Metal Sphere. Where I was going to officaly join the soldiers ranks. When I was about to walk out of my room someone knocked on my door. I opened it. It was Jake. " Oh, hi Jake. What brings you here?" I asked him. " I need your help. There is this one kid who doesn't believe that I took you on and that you had to use protocol 7( Dumping the drug manually ) on me." Jake said. " He said he wants to see it with his own eyes." Jake said. " Oh, I can arrange this. The rocket will have to wait." I said. Then about a hour later, I had my XC-M70 sniper. Jake, the pistol he used last time. When the doors opened, I charged out, jumped onto a rock, jumped through the air, and was about to shoot Jake when he shot me, hitting my right foot, making me spin in the air and land on my back. A huge amount of pain instantly overwhelmed me.  Everybody gasped at what had just happened. Jake had a evil smile on his face. Then his skin began to change color. To a gray color. His teeth began to sharpen. His eyes began to glow red. Panic rose in me. " Alien." I said. Jake nodded. He opened his mouth and something began to move in his throat. I knew this was my only chance. I grabbed the sniper, endured huge amounts ofpain in the process, and shot the entire clip of darts into Jake's mouth. All in 3 seconds. I lay on the floor, about to black out in pain as I watch Jake struggle to stay awake. The drugs aren't that effective against aliens. Then he heard footsteps behind him. A needle was inserted into my arm, and I blacked out.
When I woke up, I was in a really comfortbale bed. I wanted to sleep so bad, but I couldn't because of the pain in my back. When I wondered why his back was hurting, the memories flooded back. Jake. Alien. Broken back. My eyes snapped open. I was in the school hospital. The room Is about the size of 2 school buses lined next to eachother. In the corner of the room, the princible and a person I didn't recognize were conversing. " What's going on? " I asked. The princible turned and looked at me, and so did the stranger. The stranger said, " I am Genral Dunrial, leader of the rebellion against the aliens." That was a suprise. He was the leader of the battles and the only reason the world wasn't yet dead. " Why are you here, sir?" I asked, cautious to not to insult him. " I wanted to know about your encounter with the alien who went by the name Jake. Everything he did and how he transformed." Said Genral Dunrial. " Well, when I first met him, he looked normal, like a normal human with nothing wrong with him. Except when hit him with a dart in a practice battle. He went down almost fell asleep but didn't. I shot two more darts. He didn't sleep. I shot five more darts. He didn't sleep. I had to manually crack open a dart and pour the drug into his mouth and make him swallow it. Then he fell asleep.  The next day, when I was packing to go into the rocket and go off to the Metal Sphere for orientation to fight. I went off, knowing that I had a bit of time before I left. But when I hopped off a rock and took aim, a dart hit me in the foot, making me flip twice on the air and land on my back, breaking it. I think it's broken. But when I landed on my back, everything was dizzy. Then I saw Jake. He had a evil smile on his face. Then his skin started to become more pale. It was even a little white. His eyes began to change color. They turned from blue to red. Jake's teeth began to sharpen. Then I saw a thing moving in his throat, and I knew he was about to suffocate me. So I grabbed my XC-M70 sniper and unloaded my whole clip, 20 darts, into his throat. He fell to the ground, trying to keep awake when A needle was put into my arm. That's all I remember, sir." I told the genral. He seemed somewhat pleased. " Well, now we know there may be spies anywhere. That means we must activate protocol 978, princible Hundrey." The princible looked shocked, but then recovered and said, " Very well, sir." Then the genral took out a needle and put in my arm, and I was fast asleep again.
3 days later, my back was fine and I was getting onto a rocket
                                                            Sadly, this is where I stopped writing. I sorta lost the spirit from this one, but here are some other stuff I can put on if you want to read them:
Adventures of Steve CH. 1
Adventures of Steve CH. 2
Adventures of Steve CH. 3
Adventures of Steve CH. 4
Adventures of Steve CH. 5
Adventures of Hirden CH 1
Adventures of Hirden CH. 2
Rise of the rebellion
Four Nations (this is the one I am working on and my best)
Corruption Chronicles
Thats all i'm writing, If one of these titles intrest you, just say and It will be in the forums for you all to enjoy!

-Jurisick 8)
A legend tells of a hero who will slay everything he encounters, and he did. But the bad part was that he slayed even his fellow Steves! So a hero was chosen to kill this monster. This hero was slain by the mighty Jurisick! The legend was really speaking about the mighty jurisick, the best man ever!