DKCraft Minecraft Server > Suggestions

An idea

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As most of us know, The first day of August 2014 will bring a massive change to servers and the multiplayer communities there is no doubt that servers will fail if not downgrade in size. Personally I really don't want that to happen here. I thought it over and devised an idea, Picture this every month we have a goal if that goal is met an item or a set of items is given to every active player on the server (logging at least 48 hours on the server in the given time) once the goal is met a poll is opened up that has five (or any number) of randomly chosen items (Ex: Goal met, please vote on next goal prize 1.sponges (5) 2. Two spawn eggs (randomly chosen but will be same egg) 3. Command access (for 2 months or any time decided) 4. One more home (permanent) 5. 10 of a randomly chosen ore block (though diamond emerald, and gild tend to be much more rare) 6. None of these i like. If the sixth option were to win the poll would be randomized one more time and the 6th option removed for that donation period. You might ask how would we distribute the items won? Well with essentials cones kits once the goal is met the kits open up for a one time use (if that's not possible then an impossible period of reset is set like 10 years. Regardless I want to know what everyone thinks of this and to give a good reason why (because its stupid is not a good reason, niether is I don't know why, nor is its a bad idea). If you don't like something about the system give an explanation of how to make it better (if you can). Anyways I've carried on long enough I'll leave all of you to discuss with myself and amongst each other the topic at hand. Edits: Grammar

Well it's the first idea of what to do so I guess it seems cool until we can come up with a better idea.

Moved to Suggestions.

So what you're saying is once a set donation goal is met, every player is rewarded with a certain item/perk?
I like the idea, it will encourage a community effort so that everyone can be rewarded, which fits under Mojang's new EULA.
The only problem is finding a way for this to work.

That actually sounds really cool. We def. have to start thinking of new ways for donations. im sure we can find a plugin that marks how many hours. but linking that to rewards will be the main issue as deekay said. My only concern with that is people just online afk for hours just to get the reward. I do like this though.

With the whole getting kicked after ten minutes of inactivity it could be set up so that if a player is kicked a certain amount of times for that reason their priveledges of getting anything from that donation period are removed.


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