DKCraft Minecraft Server > Suggestions

Empty /market Booths


I saw that there were some empty booths in the /market area and was wondering if you could add some redstone related stuff. Things like hoppers, droppers, dispensers, comparators, and repeaters would be really helpful for someone like me that loves automation, but hates having to craft everything. Now, I know that this is Minecraft and you're supposed to Mine stuff and then Craft the stuff into other stuff... but that's boring for me. I just want to build the huge redstone contraptions and not have to craft the exact amount of stuff I need. Usually I make to many things or not enough, and then have to go and craft more stuff! Please take this into consideration and post your thoughts. Have a good day.


those booths are intended for future blocks and/or items


--- Quote from: pujols12 on March 31, 2014, 08:01:58 pm ---those booths are intended for future blocks and/or items

--- End quote ---

Pretty much this. We're gonna be adding new blocks added to the game, instead of using those spots with existing items people probably have loads of.


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