DKCraft Minecraft Server > Server News

My resignation post.


I am resigning due to my future lack of being online. Recently I have become less active and in the future you would see me even less as of a few personal things going on in my life. As from today I have resigned as i fell it is much better for someone to take over my position and do great things for the server.

I had a great time as admin and there has been alot of changes over my rein but Im 100% the next admin will do even more changes and a even better job.

I hope everyone on the server a great future and that they all keep having fun on dkcraft.


You were a great admin, and a lot of fun. Although you might not know me well, I feel I used to see you quite a bit.
You will be missed (by me anyway).

Shark.... you were the first to give me a chance. Your an amazing person, im gonna miss you :'( I hope once everythings okay you can come back. Bye Shark.

Thanks for being ontop of things when I couldn't be, you were a huge help for me and the server.
Good luck in your future endeavors.

wow   i really never new you but you sound like a really great guy  good luck in your life and have a great adventure on the rest of your living journey


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