DKCraft Minecraft Server > Projects and Creations

A Carnival has come to stay at DKCraft!


Altus Clura:
as I'm sure most of you are aware i left for so long because i had to work with my father at the carnival he manages, and some of the time i was out there i was out there i was thinking of a way to bring a carnival home, after this post of course
Spoiler: New Summer Event (click to show/hide)
--- Quote from: swimmergirl1227! on July 29, 2015, 01:29:49 am ---something that everyone can eventually use!
.... so a few people on the server have made little "game places" that were eventually to be expanded to a carnival or casino. So, maybe we have the competition be to build a huge amusement park, or arcade, or carnival?
--- End quote ---
While i was out there i had no access to the internet other than my phone, so i spent a lot of my time on YouTube, mainly watching Redstone tutorials I learned 10 times what i knew before i left. With the magic of YouTube i was able to do magical things with Redstone.
I have brought the carnival home with me!
So far i have done
Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots (pictures coming soon)
Spoiler: Tic Tac Toe (click to show/hide) Rock Paper Scissors (click to show/hide) i'm also working on
Pong (pictures coming soon)
My own note block song
Spoiler: Minecart Skeeball! (click to show/hide)
To get to the carnival just type /ohome AltusClura Carnival

Pretty soon i might let some people build their own games, rides, shops, Roller Coasters, and anything you can think of pretty much, leave a post and let me know the idea and the rough size of your build Right away, that way i can know how big i should make the plots
The better your idea sounds the sooner you might get a plot so make them good ones.
keep in mind any idea counts it doesn't have to be Redstone related.
Have fun.

heeeeyyy love the look of the carnival cant wait to test some games! id love to make some concessions/shops somewhere in the area. im not really sure how much space i would need but enough for a lot of chests and a building etc. thanks -swim


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