DKCraft Minecraft Server > Ban Appeals

Ban Appeal (Lissy421) Banned Me


So I the Mythical Hipster (Ninjajump116) Has been ban for a month Extended to permanent and I just want to say I am sorry for everything I have done Yes I do have a xray resource pack (broken in 1.8)
I tried using on DKcraft but did not work. First I was ban for Lying and possible xray and Ban leading to EZixes ban and Advertising . Then I was reading an article about how if you change your name everything will still be there
Bans,Ranks,ETC Article I read from Mojangs website. If I ban someone on my server, and they change their username, do they stay banned?
Yes, and the same is true for whitelisted or OP'd players. Account-level features on an unmodified server stay the same because the system is using your profile's unique ID instead of the username. This does not include the scoreboard feature, which uses usernames, and is not meant to store lots of long-term player data. And was checking how much longer till I can play DKcraft then suddenly I joined ( I was freaking out half crying) made myself some more tools (iron) Then begged to Curret not to ban me she said I wont because I am nice. Then Lissy421 used /v And saw she was online again I begged but
As everybody knows A LIssy421 Dont Give a Shit. For the advertising I did not know that putting my youtube channel was called advertising Are they bring people away to a different server? NO I just wanted
people to check out my youtube because yesterday I saved up all my god dang money for a $47 American Fraps recorder (I was recording on the server) Please take this into consideration but if not I am still fine                       
Sincerely, MythicalHipster (Ninjajump116) 

First of all, I wouldn't use sentences such as "everybody knows A LIssy421 Dont Give a Shit" when she's the one that has to handle your ban appeal. Not a smart move at all.
Secondly, I don't care how other servers operate. We don't tolerate ban evading, simple as that.
Thirdly, and lastly, I believe you already submitted a ban appeal, and it was denied by Lissy:

Lissy had given you multiple chances to quit the act and wait your time, but you insisted on breaking the rules more and more.
I personally gave you a last warning and to move on, but still you continue. Because of this, you will now be banned from the forums too.

Your time here is over due to mistakes you have made. I can only hope that maybe you've learnt from these mistakes, and that you can take that with you to any other server you wish to play on.


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