Discussion Forum > Discussion forum



While I was on my Kindle, I tried checking the forums and it said:
Sorry, Rosey2525, you are banned from using this forum!
Evading. Being a Troll.
This ban is not set to expire.

I have never evaded a ban, or been a troll, especially not recently. I haven't been on the server in over a week, and though I check the forums every day, I don't post things that often. It said that I was banned when I was on my kindle, but on here it's fine. I also logged in real quick just now to make sure I wasn't banned on the server or lost my rank, so that why if you check when I've last been on.

Thanks for reading,


It sounds like a bug to me. It's not your ban, rather someone else's ban being triggered by you somehow. Your IP address at the time of logging in doesn't match the IP address that was banned, so I don't know what's happening there.
If it happens again, try clearing your kindles web cache and cookies.

Okay, thank you DeeKay :)

i recently banned every Ip used by ozzy. Very possible that your host or something was also his. Which is completely my fault. Either that or a bug. But Im guessing it was me. again sorry.

No problem Lissy :)


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