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Topics - likeawillie

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Moderator Application [Likeawillie]
« on: June 07, 2014, 04:34:05 am »
Age: 14
Location: Colorado
Timezone: MT (Mountain Time)
Join Date: July 2nd, 2012
Were you recommended by any staff members?: No
Why you should become a moderator: I have been on the server for 2 years. And since the server had been around for 2.5 years I can say I'm one of the older members. I played actively for the first year and a half and took a break for he past 6 months. And since I'm back actively now, my hunger for play deekay and helping other members on deekay has grown insanely in those 6 months.
Thank you for looking at this! 😀

Offtopic / Can I Come Back
« on: April 27, 2014, 12:35:17 am »
Hi everyone, i have got over my "addiction" to minecraft, and I have been playing recently and i can say that for certain. So i was just wondering if you would let me come back to DK craft. If you can't then that is ok, but if you can, then that would be fantastic! Thanks

General Discussion / I am leaving MC
« on: December 30, 2013, 05:06:34 am »
Hey Everyone,
I have unfortunately decided that I need to leave MC. I have severe depression and lately this has been getting really bad. I found myself getting addicted to MC and i couldn't stop playing. I was reading the forums and saw how payrol left. I realized that it would be in my best intrest to leave MC. I need to get out off my computer and go enjoy the real world. Thank you to everyone in DeeKay for being a great friend to me. I am sorry to report you this news, but it is for the best of me. Best of wishes likeawillie :(

Pages: [1]