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Topics - GoddessDia

Pages: [1]
Support / Someone please help....
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:46:38 pm »
I'm stuck as a guest in the game and have been since I joined (obviously) but no matter what time I seem to go on at there is never anyone online who can set me up as a member.  If anyone sees this that can promote me, please do so and I'll be forever grateful as I feel fed up with the server not wanting to do anything cause I'll be moving all my stuff to the members section of the map.  Thanks guys and hopefully I'll start seeing more of you in game.

Introductions / Hey, GoddessDia here :)
« on: May 16, 2014, 11:15:07 am »
Hi all, my name is GoddessDia, but I get everyone to call me Dia for sort.  I just want to ask one thing before I continue...am I on the right server as I'm the only one on here and I don't want to start building on it if the server ip has changed for whatever reason.  I'm using 'mc.dkcraft.net' so can someone please let me know if this is right or not.

Now that's out of the way I get on with things.  I still consider myself to be a noob at Minecraft as I've only been playing it for just over 1 year, but in that time I have learned quite a lot about it by looking into things on youtube and other places, so I'm not a complete noob :P  I'm really looking forward to trying this server out if I can find out if I'm on the right one or not, lol.  And if things go well, I'll be starting a youtube channel for Minecraft videos showcasing servers that I am currently playing on.

Hope to see a lot of you guys in game soon :)  GoddessDia out :P

Pages: [1]