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Topics - ToastedSyrup

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / The last thing I put in my mouth ~game~
« on: July 15, 2013, 08:41:52 pm »
I decided it would be fun to do a game like this. So here's how it goes. You are writing a resume for your dream job, write the name of the job, and why you would be good for it. The catch is, somewhere in the resume you have to put: "The last thing I put in my mouth is ____" at the end of the resume, put a random item, and whoever posts after you will have to use that item. Try to make the resume as professional as possible. So if Frank's resume said "I would be good for the taco stand because I love babies, and the last thing I put in my mouth was a dead body."

Gaterade. Then whoever went next's resume would have to say "The last thing I put in my mouth was gaterade.
1 you must put "The last thing I put in my mouth is ____" and the ____ must fit with the last post.
2 you CAN play more than once.
3 The resume must have 3 sentences to seem professional.

So lets start with, sushi. Go.

Support / Manuel server crashes?
« on: July 15, 2013, 06:23:31 am »
I was reading some chat things (After the server crashed a couple times) and I found something strange, it seems UltimateNJ has been using a hack to crash the server... here's what I have on it. 

Projects and Creations / ToastedKitt3n Sky plots
« on: July 13, 2013, 12:24:52 am »
The sky is amazing!

Me and Unh0lykitt3n have created a sky island plot program..... Just ohome me (ToastedSyrup) and go up the elevators. (The iron doors are public access) and read the rules.... Plot sizes and prices vary, but the 13 x 13 (small) plots are free, and the only requirement is that you follow the rules, and are at least of the "member" rank... Which is easy to do. I really hope you all get small plots at least, can't go cheaper than free, right? Unless I was gonna pay you, but that isn't gonna happen To claim a plot, just ask me or Unh0lyKitt3n to give you one. Thanks! P.s. Don't forget to turn off clouds. :3

Support / The forbidden word...?
« on: July 01, 2013, 10:55:07 pm »
Is it true that if you call gold......

You will be banned?

Support / Question:
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:32:50 am »
I was wondering about this and I figured this would be the place to go..... on the forum profiles, under (whoevers) name, it has colored squares in different amounts, and I was wondering what these mean...... I was thinking that different ranks have different numbers and squares pre-set, but then earlier, (I forget who) was also set as newbie, but he had 4 blue squares and I have 1 yellow. I was just wondering about the logic in that......

Introductions / Syrupness-ess
« on: June 26, 2013, 11:46:40 am »
I was bored so I decided to make one of these.
Name: River
Age: 13
Random irony with username: I hate syrup,
Grade: 8th
Country: USA
State: Missouri
People I actually know on the server: vader1-something-something-something, sethhawkflame (sort of), and paradox3002
Random fact I tell everyone: John Madden was actually an accomplished ballroom dancer.
I hope to see you on the survival server..

Suggestions / Shop items:
« on: June 26, 2013, 11:17:37 am »
Deekay, I was thinking that if you wanted to fill that "coming soon" section in the shoppe, you could use rare or collectable blocks. Rare ex: iron, diamond, emerald, budder blocks Collectable: Lily pads, Item frames. And maybe add emeralds and lapis lazuli to the blacksmith shop? Just throwing out suggestions.

Support / Help?
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:59:42 am »
Every time I try to join the server it says "Failed to verify username, session authentication server unavalible!" .... How can this be fixed?

Ban Appeals / Honey pot glitch/mistype? [By ToastedSyrup]
« on: May 28, 2013, 01:23:24 am »
I saw a weird cabin next to my island, walked through and disconnected, then (I was skyping creeper7750) it said I was banned for griefing and he told me that. Now I'm banned 'till June 2nd and have no clue why. And what/who is honeypot

Pages: [1]