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Messages - The_ChamPeon

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 15
Offtopic / Re: How Cute Is Your Pet???
« on: January 27, 2013, 05:55:35 pm »
Well, My cat was lost Last night unfortunatlely around 2:00 A.M. She had a Heart Murmmer and here right kidney was shrivled up and almost dead, She weighed 4 pounds for about 2 years, and she was still holding on, She is know resting, in peace with my other cats. (Tara, Fawnhall, and Sam.)

That is so sad, my your cat rest in eternal peace.

Offtopic / Re: King of the Hill - game
« on: January 27, 2013, 05:49:21 pm »
Again, there is a remote-controlled fail safe detonator. But this time, it composes of 5,000,000 tons of TNT. I toss the remote up, saying "now" and clicking the button (did anyone get the reference of that?). The castle is sent to heaven, then back to earth, THEN to the nether. In the process of the castle being in heaven, all the angels, Jesus, and God kill all the evil things in the castle's maze (the maze was blown to heaven with a small yard thick layer of dirt under it). I rebuild my castle on a new hill with a new maze and a new void moat and some different way of crossing the moat.

My hill!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Withered away.
  • Was hypnotized.
MY hill.

1. I do something called respawning when I withered away
2. I had a bed in my castle, but I never slept in it, so thus I respawn at the world's initial spawn point.
3. Just a side note, my remote detonators are hidden in good spots that are X-ray proof.

Still my hill

Offtopic / Re: King of the Hill - game
« on: January 27, 2013, 05:40:10 pm »
Again, there is a remote-controlled fail safe detonator. But this time, it composes of 5,000,000 tons of TNT. I toss the remote up, saying "now" and clicking the button (did anyone get the reference of that?). The castle is sent to heaven, then back to earth, THEN to the nether. In the process of the castle being in heaven, all the angels, Jesus, and God kill all the evil things in the castle's maze (the maze was blown to heaven with a small yard thick layer of dirt under it). I rebuild my castle on a new hill with a new maze and a new void moat and some different way of crossing the moat.

My hill!!!!!!!!!!!

Offtopic / Re: Whatcha listening to?
« on: January 27, 2013, 05:30:05 pm »
I like older songs, like the cha cha slide, hey mocorana and walk like Egyptian. I also like minecraft parodies of today's songs, like Minecraft style, screw the nether, dwarf hole, etc.

Suggestions / Re: Blaze Rods in Shops
« on: January 27, 2013, 05:25:43 pm »
I agree with gamerflame sis. If everything was in the shop, then the whole point of dkcraft wouldn't be with us.

Rejected / Re: Trail Moderator Application by heyheywhat
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:52:06 pm »
no but i could of a chance like a .01% out of 99.99%

Not possable. When Ramkitty or Deekay sees this, they will reject almost instantly and have a possable chance to ban you (although the chance is small)

Offtopic / Question for everyone!
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:50:20 pm »
Hi people. I have a question for all of the wonderful people out there. What games and colsoles do you play on outside of minecraft and computer?

My answer for my own question :P

I play my Wii U, Xbox 360, iPad mini and Gamecube. The games i Play on them are:

Wii U: Nintendo Land, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and all of my Wii games

Xbox 360: Halo 1-4 + reach and Xbox 360 edition of minecraft :P

iPad Mini: Angry Birds Rio, Space and seasons, Wheres my water?, and Minecraft Pocket Edition

Gamecube: Super Smash Bros. Melee (too good of a game to be forgoten about)

Offtopic / Re: How Cute Is Your Pet???
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:40:30 pm »
she had cut her nose on something and we couldnt heal it but it wouldnt heal for some reason and we tried everything but it started getting on her fur and bed even tho we kept cleaning it, then she started vomiting blood, and tonight she passed away
R.I.P. Shandy Unknown-Jan 22nd 2013 9:00pm

I'm Sorry HWK for your loss. That is so sad...  :'(

Rejected / Re: Trail Moderator Application by heyheywhat
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:37:14 pm »
Did you read the Rubric for applications? and are you a trusted? If not then you cant apply for mod.

Discussion forum / Re: New Skin (Request)
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:32:48 pm »
I'll tell you how to change your skin.

Step 1.

Go to www.minecraft.net

Step 2.

Log in (if you haven't allready)

Step 3.

Go to the Profile section of the website

step 4.

Find the section that says "change your skin" that has a empty browse bar next to browse you computer.

step 5.

Look through your computer and find your skin. then double click your skin.

Step 6.

once that is done the URL and location of your skin should appear in the browse bar, If it didn't Repeat steps four and five.

Step 7.

Click the "Upload skin" Button. It will say that it might take a few seconds to upload, but dont mind that.

Step 8.

If you had minecraft open, close it and re-open it. Check to see if the skin is uploaded on a single player world before you make yourself look stupid on a server.

There you go, I'm sorry i dont have your skin but theres the way to change your skin.

Support / Re: Update 1.5 (the redstone update)
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:16:57 pm »
the new dispencers are called dropers. they don't shoot arrows, throw potions ect. they drop the item like it would be if you dropped something. also an idea i had for the hoppers were that they can't take items out of chests, ect without the owner /lwc them

Offtopic / Re: King of the Hill - game
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:13:36 pm »
Luckly for me, I put a fail-safe Giga-bomb in the sealed basement that no one pays attention too, that will go off with a hit of a button on a remote control. The bomb is wireless, thus not requiring redstone wiring. FBSerpent being a dragon scences that there is something wrong with the castle and uses grandcannon's nether portals to get to the other side of the void moat. When I find him and he  doesn't see me I set off the Giga-Bomb. I look up and see body parts flying around as well as some iron, gold, diamond and emerald blocks go all over the place. I also had a drawbridge that no one exept me can see, because it is made of invisible bedrock from PE. It is X-ray proof and i have put a psi-shield around my mind to prevent people from reading my mind. And if anyone locates the bridge and try to walk over it, they will fall through it. I go to the crater where the hill (and the castle) used to be and build a new hill and castle out of the scraps of the old castle. I made a Different maze with all of the types of creepers from the elemental creepers mod roaming it, exept the cookie creeper, reverse creeper, light and dark creepers and the earth creeper to prevent them from messing up the maze. I also make a nether portal that all nether portals from the nether will end up there, and the portal is in the void.

My Hill w/ a FBS

Offtopic / Re: How Cute Is Your Pet???
« on: January 22, 2013, 09:28:15 pm »
i would post a pic of my dog but she isnt doing well and is covered in blood :(

Hope your dog gets well soon

Offtopic / Re: King of the Hill - game
« on: January 22, 2013, 09:27:35 pm »
All I do is use my red matter pickaxe to mine through the castle, then to mine the void using my new modded-in break everything ability. I then train up skellie villagers after I get the_champeon's mod.
(btw, my psychic powers are almost real)

Ummm... How do you mine through the castle before you mine the void? :o
And void isn't a block really, it's like water, but you can't collect is in a bucket.
AND the void goes on for infinity.
AND AND FBSerpent would scare you away.

When anniesboy sees and hears fbs, she runs away faster than anyone can see

Still my hill... With a fbs guarding it.

Offtopic / Re: King of the Hill - game
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:12:13 pm »
(If anniesboy can have a red matter sword and a morning star, that qualifies me to have a mod of my choice too)

I go and get teh wierd hybrids mod. other people start to see strange things, like the creepig, the skeleton villager, and all of the other mobs in that mod. I go kill 18 endermen for enderpearls. Then i go Kill one blaze. I go up and craft the dragon blade out of 2 ender ingots and a blaze rod. It makes me immune to all fire related things and i have the abillity to melt ANYTHING in my way, including bedrock. After i get my sword, i go build a new hill very far away from the Fire-Breathing serpent. I build a void Moat around my new hill that is as big as earth. if you try to fly over the moat, you will get too tired about half way. If you try to teleport over it, you will just end up in the deepest part of the void. My castle on top of the hill is made of iron, gold, diamonds and emeralds.


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