DKCraft Minecraft Server > Bug Reports

Vote Points

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 I don't understand, no one I ask seems to have this problem.

Votepoints aren't working for me, as you see I voted a few times, did nothing that used votepoints and there are 0 appearing. Do I have to be online for my points to be received? Anyone else having this problem?

UPDATE;topicseen#new didn't see that. Kinda dif though..

We're those vote announcements and rewards in that screenshot from offline votes? Last I checked you didn't have to vote online to receive the points, but I could be wrong. I will take a look.

Yes, the same thing happened to me.  You have to be logged into the game to get credit for/receive your vote points.  I don't think that's the way it use to be.

Yes that has also been happening to me. It does seem like you have to be online playing in order to receive vote points and the money as well.


--- Quote from: ashley1020 on January 04, 2015, 06:49:32 pm ---Yes that has also been happening to me. It does seem like you have to be online playing in order to receive vote points and the money as well.

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I got the money though...

--- Quote from: xDeeKay on January 04, 2015, 05:38:51 am ---We're those vote announcements and rewards in that screenshot from offline votes? Last I checked you didn't have to vote online to receive the points, but I could be wrong. I will take a look.

--- End quote ---
Yes I voted offline


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