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Topics - DeeKay

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Server News / Top Voters - November
« on: December 01, 2012, 07:58:55 am »
Thanks to all who voted for November, here's the top voters:

1. poiujmon
2. gamerflame_sis
3. VexedLemonade

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.


On a much smaller note, I have added a 'spoiler' feature to the forum. It can be used with the '' icon.
It's purpose is to hide long lengths of text, large pictures, or as the name suggests, to hide spoilers.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Server News / Safe to update - 1.4.4
« on: November 15, 2012, 09:37:13 am »
The server has updated to Bukkit 1.4.4, so feel free to update your clients.


Server News / Small Update - Warp Towns & Donations
« on: November 08, 2012, 11:54:59 am »
As you may or may have not known, I recently added 4 new warps to the server. These new warps are 'towns' which are located in 4 different biomes North, East, South, and West from the center of the map.
To warp to these towns you can visit the WarpRoom using '/warp WarpRoom' or '/warp NorthTown', '/warp EastTown' etc..
The purpose of these warps are so that players are given new areas to build in and explore.


On a smaller note, I have added 3 new Mob Disguise packs to the donation store. These packs include: a Villager Pack, and 2 Sheep Packs. Each pack is $10 and can be found here:


Server News / Top Voters - October
« on: November 01, 2012, 10:15:25 am »
Thank you to all who voted in October, here are the top voters:

1. jacobriley
2. LordVakar
3. Poiujmon

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.

Server News / Server Host Migrated - DNS/IP Issues [Resolved]
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:40:23 pm »
BeastNode have moved all their servers to a different location. This means that every servers IP has changed. Which also means that you will not be able to connect to mc.dkcraft.net until a couple of hours.
I have made the necessary changes to link mc.dkcraft.net back to the new IP, but like I said, it will take a couple of hours.

For now, you can use the new IP to connect:

This has been resolved, feel free to connect with mc.dkcraft.net once again.
Voting is also working once again.

EDIT: This seems to be affecting different locations at different times, so some of you may be able to connect with mc.dkcraft.net, and some of you may not.

Thank you for your patience.

General Discussion / DKCraft Rules and Guidelines
« on: October 27, 2012, 05:08:10 pm »
Below are a list of rules and guidelines for DKCraft services.
1. These rules and guidelines are subject to change at any point in time.
2. It is up to the player to keep themselves informed of the latest rules and guidelines.
3. Failure to adhere to these rules and guidelines could result in punishment decided by a DKCraft representative.

DKCraft Website & Discord
1. Do not provoke other members with the deliberate intent to evoke an emotional response.
2. Do not abuse or insult other members under any circumstance.
3. Do not post content that violates local or United States law.
4. Do not post NSFW (Not safe/suitable for work) content.
5. Do not post unsolicited or repetitive messages in an attempt to force a message.
6. Do not post unless you are trying to contribute meaningfully.
7. Do not advertise or promote other game servers or services.
8. Do not sell or promote any products or services.
9. Keep content in its respected section.
10. An admins decision is final, do not question it.

DKCraft Moderator Applications
1. Do not post more than 1 active application.
2. Do not copy or replicate content from other applications.
3. Do not ask for promotions outside of the required application process.
4. Do not badger anyone to review your application, or question anyone on why it was denied.
5. Do not ask for Operator/Admin rights, we will come to you if you qualify.
6. Use the application template when applying.
7. If you are rejected, you must wait a minimum of 2 weeks before reapplying.

DKCraft Minecraft Server
1. No griefing (destroying/modifying other players creations)
2. Be respectful to other players.
3. Use common sense.
4. Do not build any obscene structures or signs.
5. No excessive swearing.
6. English only in the chat.
7. Do not ask for ranks.
8. No mods except for Optifine and Shaders.
9. Do not evade your ban.

Last Updated: Wednesday, July 6, 2016, 6:17:06 AM (UTC)

Server News / 1.4 - Feel Free To Update!
« on: October 25, 2012, 02:26:48 pm »
We have updated the server to 1.4, and have conducted some initial tests on the server i.e plugins etc. If you have any problems with plugins or if you come across any bugs no matter how small please contact either Me, Ram or the Ops immediately.
We have disabled the nether for now so your portals will not work, this is to allow essentials time to update the plugin to accommodate the wither and other mobs and items. We have also disabled the placement of Soulsand.

The Nether and Soulsand placement have been re-enabled.
Mob disguises are working once again!

Most importantly have fun!

Server News / Top Voter - September
« on: October 01, 2012, 08:21:53 am »
Thank you to everyone who voted in September! Here are the top voters:

1. death_howler
2. dave2072
3. LordVakar

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.


On the topic of voting, I have added a third voting site! mcservers.org
It will be added to the 'Vote'

Good luck for October!

Server News / Shop Building Competition Winners
« on: September 28, 2012, 08:55:58 am »
Thank you to everyone who submitted their build for shop competition! Here are the 3 winners and their rewards:

Block Store: Kt5turtle - $200,000 in-game money + $10 to spend in the donation store
Blacksmith: death_howler - $100,000 in-game money + $5 to spend in the donation store
Food Store: tobieias - $100,000 in-game money + $5 to spend in the donation store.

The in-game money has been added to the winners accounts, and they can PM me with their chosen rewards from the donation store.

The 3 new shops are ready and you can get there by typing /shops
There are new blocks in the Block Store such as the new Stone Bricks and Sandstone blocks. Plus a lot more blocks are now sellable.
I have also bought back item displays once again to make it a little easier to know what you're buying.

Server News / IRC Channel
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:34:03 am »
What is IRC? IRC is a very old and basic chat system.
I have created an IRC channel which is connected to the server, this allows you to chat with people on the server, without actually being in-game!

If you want to connect to the IRC channel you will need to head over to www.rizon.net/chat The channel name is #dkcraft

Just a little extra addition to the server, enjoy ;)

Server News / Server Downtime
« on: September 08, 2012, 09:58:58 am »
I'm extremely sorry for the servers downtime the past couple of days.
Both real life issues and server issues have been in the way of my activity, and I haven't been able to jumpstart the server.

I'm still waiting on something before the server can be restarted, but it shouldn't take more than a few hours.
Server is back online.

Once again I'm sorry for the downtime, and thank you all for your patience.

Server News / Top Voters - August
« on: September 01, 2012, 06:15:24 am »
August was a very close month for the top 3, we also had over 80 people vote in the month, keep up the voting!
Here are the top voters for August!

1. death_howler - 48
2. Qwerps123 - 46
3. XionOblivion - 44

1st - $15 to spend in the donation store.
2nd - $10 to spend in the donation store.
3rd - $5 to spend in the donation store.

Rewards can be found here.
The top voters can PM me with their chosen rewards.

Good luck for September!

Helpful articles / Official Ranks
« on: August 05, 2012, 06:12:42 am »
Here are the official server ranks.





BritishCrumpet21 (LeBritishCrumpet21)
Jordy994994 (Jordy)

Helpful articles / Mumble Server!
« on: August 05, 2012, 05:50:52 am »
Please note that we no longer have a Mumble server. If you're looking for some chit-chat, head over to DKCraft's Discord server.

We have a Mumble server! Mumble is a voice chat server which allows you to easily communicate!
If you wanna get to know people on the server, I'd definitely give Mumble a go.

Download Windows Mumble Client
Download Mac OSX 64-bit Mumble Client
Download Mac OSX 32-bit Mumble Client
Download for Linux

How to join:
Click 'Add new...' at the bottom right and enter the following:

Label: DKCraft
Address: mumble.dkcraft.net
Port: 65473
Username: (Your username)

Hope to see you on Mumble soon :)

Server News / Maintenance [Resolved]
« on: August 03, 2012, 10:19:11 am »
So we've had a little incident involving peoples homes being removed, the server is whitelisted for now until I fix it.
Thank-you for your patience, I'll let you all know once the server is back online.

Server is  back online.
Good news: The only peoples homes that have been affected are the people that were on earlier today when I stopped the server.
Bad news: Those peoples balances have also been reset to $200, but if you reply to this thread with your username, I'll get your balance back from the backup I made yesterday.

Again, sorry for the downtime, little stuff up on my behalf.

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