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Author Topic: Project Protection Application Template  (Read 5224 times)

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Project Protection Application Template
« on: December 13, 2012, 01:51:54 pm »
If you wish to apply for a project protection, please read the following information and guidelines beforehand.

'Project Protection' is for large and detailed creations/projects/cities that are easily griefed and damaged. Since large projects are easy targets for griefers, our Moderators are forced to spend large amounts of their time repairing damage, and banning griefers.
But with Project Protection, your entire creation will be protected and no staff will need to intervene.

We will only be awarding project protection to creations that are of a high standard, and work which has had significant progress made thus far.
Projects which have little progress made, and large investment placed in them will not qualify. We are looking to preserve finished work, or work making promising progress towards completion.

If you believe your project meets the standards above, please apply using the following template:

Project Protection [Project name]

Project name:
Project owner:
Project location (coordinates):
Approximate dimensions:

What is the current state of the project? And what are your plans for its future, if any:
Why should your project be granted project protection?