Timezone:Central timezone
Join Date:7/1/14 9:16 p.m.
Were you recommended by any staff members?:No I was not.
Why you should become a moderator: I feel that I should become a Moderator for your server because I really want to help make the server better, I will do many good things for you and I will take being this position a big deal and not some lousy deal. I will not slack off when I am working on the server to make it better, and I will try my hardest to make no mistakes or not many. I know though, that I will mess up at some point. Here are some of the things that I can do for the server: 1. I will try my very best to make the server swear free, and very few mistakes or bugs but my goal is to have the server no bugs. 2. I can build for the server but I'm not the best at building, 3. I will help all the players with their personal needs and if they have any problems I will be sure to fix them, 4. I will do my best to make the server as fun as possible for the players/staff, 5. I will try to get rid of as many hackers and find some so the server is legit for all the players equally, 6. I can come up with ideas for the server so it can be even more fun for the players experience, 7. I will listen to anything that any of the players/staff need to say and I will NEVER ignore anyone on the server, 8. I will not get angry easily and I will try not to rage or anything childish, 9. I will act my age and be mature and make sure the players are acting mature, 10. If a player is ever being made fun of or being as you might say "bullied" I will put a stop to it asap.
Things that I would do if these events were to occur upon the server:
1. Someone advertising a server ip address: Perm ban/Perm Mute. (Most likely ban)
2. A player/staff griefing: Kick/temp-ban 20-30 minutes.
3. Someone swearing at another staff member/player: Give them 2 warnings before kick/mute. (Time for mute depends on what they were saying)
4. A player spamming chat: 2 warnings before kick/mute. (Time for mute depends on what they were saying and how many times)
5. A player disrespecting a staff member/s: Kick/mute. (Time for mute depends on what they were saying)
Extra information: I will be loyal and respectful on the server and will always act mature. I will never rage, swear, or do disrespectful things to a player/staff/the server. I will be totally grateful if I get this membership for the server and I will never leave/quit the server for another server.
Closing: Thank you for your time of reading this application for Moderator (C00LCW) and I appreciate it that you made this server so fun and awesome, thanks again for reading it and if you pick me as a Moderator for your server thank you it means a lot, if not I will continue playing the server for a long long long time,