DKCraft Minecraft Server > Projects and Creations

The Great Tree Kingdom


How about building a gigantic tree with a castle and a town built into the trunk and lower branches of the  tree it would look very cool and you could make that. spawn, shops, market and a few other thing in it to. That will give the shops and market a better look and give something to post as a picture on the minecraft forum to attached new members.

The spawn and market are already very detailed and look brilliant , although guest world spawn could be updated a bit. This would just take up a bit more of the world and since we might be having a wipe you might want to suggest this later on, but if they arent going to wipe still this idea wont be needed since spawn and the shops look awesome and already atrract players. That's just my opinion though

I think its a good idea for like a town or something. Maybe you could make a neat town out of that.


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