IP: beta.dkcraft.netHey guys,
I would like to announce that we are now running an
experimental 1.8 server! This is a separate server from our main one, and it's running all the 1.8 features. (If you wish to continue playing a stable and well protected version, you can still access the 1.7 server.)
I highly suggest you read the below information before hopping on, as it contains important things you'll need to know.
Firstly, I can't stress enough that this is only experimental, and the server is unstable and prone to bugs. It will be undergoing many rapid changes, some good changes and some bad, but I assure you these changes will all be made to give you guys the best possible 1.8 experience, within the limits of what I'm working with.
The server is not running Bukkit, Spigot, or any other well known server software. Instead it's running a newly created software called
Rainbow. Due to the change in software, Bukkit plugins simply don't function on it, which requires brand new plugins to be created with the Rainbow API. This means our tools such as block logging/rolling back, chest locking, protection stones, and tons of other features do not exist on this server. However the server is running some basic plugins which gives you a few commands to use (they are listed below), as well as basic admin tools such as banning, kicking, teleporting, a form of grief check, and a few other things.
You could look at this 1.8 server as a Vanilla server with some basic plugin features, because it's much closer to Vanilla than a Bukkit server due to lack of features and tools.
Command list:/help - View command list
/home - Teleport to your home
/sethome - Set your home
/spawn - Teleport to spawn
/tell <player> [message] - Send private message to a player
/tpa <player> - Send teleport request to a player
/tpaccept - Accept teleport request
/tpdeny - Deny teleport request
You may be wondering how this server ties in with the full server wipe. Although this server is running a new map and new software, this
does not count as the full server wipe you all voted on. I simply can't guarantee that the map or anything else won't have problems in the future, so I would much rather wait for a proper software such as Bukkit or Spigot to update before any official full server wipe is made. Not only that, but since I can't provide proper land/block protection, there's a high chance a lot of things will be heavily griefed, and I'm sure no one wants to have a bad fresh start like that.
Since we are now running 2 servers side-by-side, the total cost each month has now increased. We have had a major decrease in donations lately, mostly due to lack of updates to the server and also due to the purge of a lot of donation rewards.
At this time, donations will be extremely appreciated, as I want to be able to keep both servers running for those who choose to play on either one.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask them below. Enjoy the 1.8 server!