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Messages - XionOblivion

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Suggestions / Re: Secret santa and other holiday events?
« on: July 27, 2012, 06:35:37 am »
I am all for this :D
Christmas gifts would be cool :P

Offtopic / Re: Post your picture ;D
« on: July 27, 2012, 04:33:33 am »
x3 thanks impy :3
i liked ur hair too c;

Suggestions / Re: Ender Dragon Fight
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:37:21 am »
oh yea! thats a better price with levels and stuff :P but maybe more like $100,000-$150,000 or something.

Offtopic / Re: Post your picture ;D
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:47:54 pm »
Heres me :3

Suggestions / Re: Ender Dragon Fight
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:06:34 pm »
I think what would be cool is that we have a warp to the portal to the end and there could be like, a sign to spawn a dragon so everyone could get a chance to fight it.

Ofcourse, to spawn it ud have to pay. Alot. Like say... in the ranegs of $5,000-$20,000 or more or something.
Just an idea :P

Suggestions / Re: Warps
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:04:44 pm »
If your having compass warps, i have an idea.

Name the north, Snowhead
South, Woodfall
East, Stone tower
and west The Great bay.

And have a town in the center named Clocktown :P

P.S this is from majoras mask XD

General Discussion / Re: Server Shops/items
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:40:42 am »
I have a few more suggestions for the shop.

Slime balls would be a good one to add since the server has problems with monster spawns and so people could make their own sticky pistons and such.

That is all for now.

Offtopic / Re: King of the Hill - game
« on: July 21, 2012, 11:46:21 pm »
Ive flown around for awhile searching for a fabled hill in which you become king if one stands on its top.
Flying amongst the birds below the clouds, i notice a Large, tall jungle that pierced the sky. I thought to myself: "Perhaps the hill will be in this enormous Jungle...". After a few minutes of scouting the jungle for a hill of Glory and Praise, I notice a big mountain of flaming dirt with corpses of Rotting pigs, Giant squid-like monsters, A monkey, and a Roasted Duck with a Tape Cape. I pondered that this mountain of Death and despair might be That fabled Hill. With my Gaurd up, I soar towards the flaming pile of dirt. When I got closer, I thought that these corpses and the massacred land mustve been from the war over this mountain.

From utterly nowhere, a flaming shark flies out at me. It nearly breaks through my forcefield and almost chomps my nose; with great Dexterity I managed to counterattack the shark with my Crimson Shadow Scythe. The shark slammed hard onto a nearby tree and plumetted to the ground.

With caution, I ascended to the top of the mountain, unknowing of what would happen next.
Suddenly, I get a feeling im being watched and as I turn around, a Giant, Ferocious almost God-like Ape is rocketing towards me at a great speed.
The Immense Ape throws a Huge punch the size of a car; I block its forwarding attack with my Scythe, and launch the monkey hundreds of feet high into the air using My Power over Gravity and swing my scythe down hard, driving the Massive Monkey straight into the ground creating a Tremor and a Giant soundwave that knocks me back several feet. Hoping i defeated the Monkey, I continue to the top of the mountain.

As I reach the top, I feel a great and overwhelming feeling throughout my entire body. I reached the top of the mountain and the sun is just setting. I look towards the setting sun and I get a great feeling of accomplishment and Pride.

I am now king of This fabled Hill.

... My Hill!

General Discussion / Re: Server Shops/items
« on: July 21, 2012, 10:49:27 pm »

My idea for the spawn eggs was for them to be sellable so you can get animals without going 1000+ blocks to get them and they have chances of straying, and dieing. I thought it would be more convenient and you could easily increase the price on eggs so that it wouldnt be easy to get them and spawn them everywhere.

And with the 1.3 patch, books need leather to be crafted, and cows arent plentiful on the server as most of them around have been killed; this makes it harder to make your own books and bookshelves.

Just my thoughts lol.

By the way, maybe the shop could get Circle/chiseled stone aswell :P

Anyone else have ideas for what to sell/buy? :P

General Discussion / Server Shops/items
« on: July 01, 2012, 10:10:22 pm »
This post is for the shops and items for the server
Basically a post to suggest items and stuff for the shops and etc.

Atm what i think should be added to the shops are:
Obsidian - Possibly buy 16/$300

Spawn eggs - (pig, cow, sheep, Chicken eggs, mooshroom) could be sold for $800-$2500 or so each. ( chicken eggs could be 16/$100)

Maybe some signs to sell things that are already in the shops (such as redstone)

And other than shops, For the 1.3 patch, i think the book recipe should be kept the same instead of having leather to make them.

Feel free to comment about items for shops and etc :D

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